   y = 7 sin 3 x -6  
  Midline    y = -6                  correct
  Topline    1 (?)                   correct
  Bottom line    -13 (?)                  correct
  Wavelength    2π/3                    correct
  Quarter of the Wavelength    π/3 (?)                  wrong              \(\frac{2\pi}{3}\div4 = \frac{\pi}{6} \)  

  What would be sensible points for the x-axis?  

  As in where it intersects?        every quarter

like, ... 0, pi/6, 2pi/6 3pi/6, 4pi/6, 5pi/6  ..

these fractions should be simplified though

  Will it start on the midline, above or under, why?    It will start on the midline because it is a sine graph.   correct
  Will is start going down or going up, why?    It will start upwards because of the positive number in front.  correct 
  y-intercept  -6     correct

  Plot 4 (or 5) Points in Advance 

  (I mean maxima, minima, and points on the midline.)  

  (4π/3, 6) & (3π/2, 1) & (5π/2, -15) &        (8π/3, -6)

(0,-6) (2pi/3,-6)(pi/3,-6)(pi/6,1)(3pi/6,-13)

But it is easier if you do it straight onto the rough graph.

  Graph it from x=0 to x= wavelength

  I'm not sure what this means.  

I mean graph it by hand for one whole wavelength, starting at the y axis.

  What is the first maxima?  (π/6, 1)          yes
  What is the first minima?  (π/2, -13)         yes
  What points are on the midline?  (4π/3, 6) & (8π/3, -6)       NO you can fix this



Sorry that I couldn't answer all of these fully or properly I assume, still getting the hang of it.


I just improved the scale of the graph

Also if you hit the region circle on the side you will see one full wavelength. 

You can see also how it is divided nicely into 4 quarters.

Feb 9, 2020
Feb 9, 2020
Feb 8, 2020

I also need help with these problems, ASAP!


6) If the centre of the circle passing through the origin is $(3,4)$,then the intercepts cut off by the circle on the x-axis and y-axis respectively are what?


7) Let $ABC$ be an acute angled triangle. The circle $L$ with $BC$ as diameter intersects $AC$ again at $P$ and $Q$, respectively. Determine angle $BAC$ (in degrees) given that the orthocentre of triangle $APQ$ lies on $L$.


8) Given the circle with center at $L$, $MRST$ quadrilateral with vertices on the circle $L$, and a circle $O$ inscribed in the quadrilateral, such that
\[ \overline { RM } =17, \ \overline { MT } =19, \ \overline { TS } = 23 \]
What is the value of $ \overline{RT} \times \overline{MS} $? 


9) If the area between three tangent circles of equal radii is $144-\pi^{4} $ and a circle tangent to all three of these circles  has an area A. What is $ \lceil A\rceil$. 


10) If the circle passing through distinct points $(1,t), (t,1),(t,t)\ \forall\ t\in R$ also passes through a fixed point $(a,b)$, then calculate argument of complex number $a+ib$ in radians.


11) In the fig. given below, $O$ is the center of the circle. If $PA = 12$cm, $PC = 15$cm and $CD = 7$cm. Find length of $AB$.


12) Let circle $A$ be a circle with radius $\sqrt{5}$ centered at $(2,0)$ and circle $B$ be a circle with radius $2$ centered at $(-1,0)$ Let the center of circle $A$ be $A_C$ and the center of circle $B$ be $B_C$. The two circles $A$ and $B$ intersect at points $X$ and $Y$. When the area of quadrilateral $X A_C Y B_C$ is expressed in the form $a \sqrt{b} $ where $b$ is nor divisible by the square of any prime, find $a+b$ 

Feb 8, 2020

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