Oct 2, 2016
Oct 2, 2016
Oct 1, 2016

LMFAO! This is GREAT!!!


In this corner weighing in at 7.8st, and wearing a red hat, GingerAle, the spunky, genetically enhanced chimp. In the other corner, weighing in like a fat cat (about 25st), and wearing a suit without pockets, the guest fat cat banker.


In the first round, the fat cat banker baited the audience to kick a can containing a formula from the river Lethe. There were no takers.  GingerAle, the chimp waited patiently, biding her time playing Monopoly with her dog and cheating cat.


In round two, the fat cat banker finished his magic in-can-tation so his mystical computer would bring forth a rendering of numinous understanding.  His presentation is as mystical as his formula. It’s so advanced only one banker in the world can understand it –the fat cat banker himself. It’s like understanding our own poetry and thinking it’s great no matter how awful it is. (I sent this link to my banker for his opinion).


In round three, Ginger comes out with subtle finesse, jabs the fat cat banker in the solar plexus, and then skillfully enlarges a certain orifice that’s causing her opponent to retain large quantities of BS (banker stuff).   She also presents a logical and easy to understand solution to the question. 


In round four, the fat cat banker comes out like a snarling Tasmanian devil.  The orifice enlargement worked well, because he sure laid a pile on GingerAle.  He forgets though, that chimps are very skilled at throwing excrement at deserving targets –he may be sorry.  He also might be faulted for a technical foul, for saying, “you don't seem to know your head from your tail!”  Most advanced humans should know that chimps don’t have tails.”  His latest comment, “Behave yourself like a lady,” has some audience members murmuring that LancelotLink may have gone transgender.  She definitely has the trolling skills, but her style is very different. 


Well, there you have a folks! Stay tuned for round five, where the barbs and poo throwing may get better. For those not in the know, this isn’t the first match for these two –it’s not the second either. 

Oct 1, 2016

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