
Yes the problem is with the askers not the answerers.


 That’s bullshitt!!   It is not just the askers. Several times you’ve reamed out the brats on here who have posted multiple questions.  Your post is directed toward the answerers because the answerers enable this behavior, and there is one in particular who does this. 


The reason there are so many uninterested homework moochers on here is that someone started feeding the bears. There is a reason for not feeding the bears. Once you feed a bear, it will return for more. The only way to get rid of it is to quit feeding it. If you keep feeding it, other bears join in the free food fest. They will eat everything you give them and one day they will eat you. 


Beggars and panhandlers are the same kind of animal. Some might say please and thank you, but they don’t really mean it. They are just magic words learned as little children. Some could actually learn how to fish, but why should they, when they see their brothers and sisters get all the fish they want just by begging? “Pander to me, I’m entitled,” is their mantra.


If this irritates you, you could hide their questions or lock them. You’ve done that a few times, but it doesn’t stop the one person mainly responsible for all the bear shitt on the forum’s sidewalks, because he’s a moderator too, and just unhides or unlocks them.


CPhill’s obsession with answering the panhandler’s questions, and completing ones that are half finished, may irritate the shitt out of you, but I like reading his answers, and the answers of other competent mathematicians.


I don’t give a flyingdamn if the dumbshit kids learn anything or not. The option is there for them if they want to learn. if not, who should care?  A lot of them are only a step or two from the retardos on here who obsessively make help posts. Trying to teach them math is a waste of time.  But others can learn from these posts, even if the asker does not, so it’s not a total waste.


I have nothing better to do than tend to my garden, drink some booze, pissa few people off on Reddit, come here, pissa few people off and learn some math. This is a great place. It’s better than Reddit, anyway. They are so crude and vulgar, I feel like I need to take a bath in bleach after I log off.   


To show my gratitude, I’ll tell you how you can reduce the bearshit on here.  You are a moderator, so just send the posts and the bearshit “down the drain.......into the sewer”  I’m sure you know what that means, the other moderators know too, unless they are idiots, and I doubt it.  Well Asinus is, but whatever! CPhill can wake sleeping beauty, but he can’t raise the dead. If Sisyphus doesn’t have his boulder, he can’t push it up the hill. ROFLMFAO!


Don’t worry, CPhill, Melody doesn’t have the cojones or the stomach for it, anyway.

May 14, 2018
May 14, 2018
May 13, 2018

2 Online Users
