Here's my take on Melody....not sure of the outcome !!!
Number of ways of drawing all 5 cards from one suit = C(13,5)
And there are four ways of doing this = C(4,1)
Number of ways of drawing 5 cards from two suits
We want to first choose any one of four suits = C(4,1) and from one of these we want to choose 3 cards = C(13.3)
And then we want to choose one of the three remaining suits = C(3,1) and from this suit we want to choose any 2 cards = C(13,2)
And the number of ways of choosing any 5 cards is C (52, 5)
So the probability of choosing 5 cards from two suits is
[ C(4,1) * C(13,5) + C(4,1) * C(13,3) * C(3,1) * C(13,2) ] / C(52,5) ⇒
1749 / 16660
So...the probability of drawing 5 cards from at least 3 suits =
1 -
[ P(drawing 5 cards of all the same suit) + P( drawing 5 cards from two suits )] =
1 - 1749 / 16660 = 14911/ 16660 ≈ 89.5%
![cool cool](/img/emoticons/smiley-cool.gif)