Aug 19, 2018

Alice is one the line  x = 4  ,  so the  x-coordinate of whatever point Alice is on is  4 .

Let's call the point that Alice is located  (4, y)  .


By the distance forumula...


the distance between  (4, y)  and  (2, 3)   =   \(\sqrt{(4-2)^2+(y-3)^2}\)


The problem tells us that the distance between  (4, y)  and  (2, 3)  is  √40 ,  so...



                                                          Now let's solve this equation for  y .  First square both sides.


                                                          Simplify  \((4-2)^2\)  to  \(4\) .


                                                          Subtract  4  from both sides of the equation.


                                                          Take the ± square root of both sides.




                                                          Add  3  to both sides.



\(\begin{array}{ccc} y=3+6&\qquad\text{or}\qquad &y=3-6\\~\\ y=9&\text{or}&y=-3 \end{array}\)


The possible y-coordinates of the point Alice at are  9  and  -3 .


The sum of the possible y-coordinates of the point Alice is at   =   9 + -3   =   6


To help check the answer, we can see on this graph that  (4, 9)  and  (4, -3) , the two possible points Alice is at, are the same distance away from  (2, 3) ...over 2 units and up or down  6  units.

Aug 19, 2018

You are a delicate snowflake, BM. The least bit of heat melts you into mush. You’re so heart-felt concerned about the feelings of the morons who continuously post mathematical dung, or actively vandalize the forum, or waste answerers’ time with subterfuge. But you are not concerned about the members and guests who have to constantly step around or walk through the bovine fecal matter. You are unconcerned about the potential thousands of visitors who will never see the brilliant solutions by Melody, Alan, CPhil, Heureka, and Hectatar, Because Miranda destroyed the questions. You bleed and melt for the wrong people. Why do you have an affinity for wilful morons and vandals?



His name is Wong. Making fun of a persons name is not very PC, BM!


here you harass miranda after he got banned,

Miranda is a “her,” and her name is spelled with an uppercase “M”

I wasn’t harassing her. I was celebrating her banishment. It’s a unique accomplishment to be publicly banished by Andre Massow. That’s not something that happens very often.


This brought back fond memories. I didn’t elaborate on the details in the post, but if you want to know then read on. …

As I said in the post, I was expelled from my parochial school when I was about her age, but not for vandalism though—I posted on my MySpace, a mock social news GingerAle byline, with several photos of Sister Alice “doing” Jesus. The main photo caption read “Sister Alice, Bride of Christ, consummates her marriage”


My eight linked friends thought the post was hilarious, so did thousands of others—the post went viral. In less than three days I had hundreds of friend requests, and several death threats too. Sister Alice didn’t think much of it, and neither did the school and church hierarchy. My post and photos were so well presented, the hierarchy, at first, actually thought Sister Alice had flipped her lid. The young children in the background of the photos added to the potential of scandal. If nothing else, my “quote” from Jesus about the “pent up *passions of older *virgins” should have been a major clue the post was opportunistic mockery.  


A child had used Jesus’ face for target practice for sticky Nerf darts. Sister Alice had simply shinnied up a nearly eight-foot tall wooden statue of Jesus to remove them. When she slid back down, her skirt snagged and it drew up around her butt causing her to become stuck when she was at the mid section of the statue. I had been photo-documenting the event with my nifty, new digital camera. At this point, I was certain there was a patron saint for photographers. One who has a marvellous sense of humor.


The best photos were of Sister Alice arching her back in an attempt to unsnag herself. It dawned on me, if that statue fell on her, it would crush her—not that this was a bad thing, but there were young children standing around watching the spectacle. I had them stand further back, to avoid injury, in case it fell. No such luck, but if it had fallen on her, her postmortem photo caption would have read: “Jesus goes down on Sister Alice, sends her into eternal rapture.”     


You know, BM, if you were in that judgment circle you could have advocated for me.


“Ginger didn’t know what she was doing. You are just being mean to her.”

Oh yes, she did know. She just didn’t know it would bounce around the world and end up on the desk of the archbishop.  


“You should just explain to her in a nice, calm way what her mistake was, then she won’t do it any more.”

Oh yes, she will, and she did even worse. She gave an apology gift to Sister Alice that was so blasphemous, she tried to have her excommunicated.



Anyway, back to the points at hand.  You missed this post

Where I blast Julius for doing the exact same thing. Melody thought I was polite; Julius, not so much. I like the little brat. He’ll make a good troll someday.



It's very convenient for you to categorize everyone as a "BB", as a dumb kid or as an old, uneducated nobody.

Of course it’s convenient to categorize. I use dumb, dumber, and dumbest because stupider and stupidest usually isn’t grammatically correct. I don’t remember using “dumb kid,” but maybe I inferred it in a counterpoint to an oldfart. It’s called regression: a return to a former or less developed state. For most of them this is a misnomer, though, because they never left the moronic state in the first place.


The old dog new tricks metaphor is a metaphor because it is a true-ism. If you wait until your arteries harden and your brain atrophies before you learn something, you’re not likely to live long enough to learn it. I’m sure this disturbs you, but these are facts of nature. It’s probably doubly disturbing and ironic for you, because you are just getting intelligent enough to realize that you are always going to be a moron, no matter what you do. On the bright side though, you don’t have to worry about regression.    


but that is how you categorize me, making it so much easier to criticize me.

Humm. You fit into many categories (of stupid). It’s always quite easy to criticize you. Here’s one: You are very skilled at writing completely non sequitur paragraphs.


 I'm not college aged …

OK. You do seem a little immature, I though you were a high school student, who flunked a few grades. I mis-attributed some of your writing errors, because English is a second language for you. Your syntax and structure suggests English is an educational language. You probably attend school in Holland or a former Dutch colony.


here you scold an AoPS student

That AoPS student is one of your creations. You’ve created puppets before, Puppetmaster/Blarneymaster.


A “kid” shows from nowhere, posts neurotic swill commentary around moderately sophisticated, unformatted LaTex code, to counter my post. He returns to confirm the AoPS approval of his answer, then he disappears —no more answers or questions.  Humm…  It took me a few days to realize it was you.


here you calmly correct a "12-year-old"

Here’s a statistical question for you.

What’s more likely:

A mother of a 12-year-old, with senior high school writing skills, who adopts the persona of her child to post a question, or a 12-year-old with senior high school writing skills, who adopts the narration view point of her mother to post a question?


In any case, I accepted her response and spent three hours researching the academic requirements of the school to give her an informed answer, to wit, there was no acknowledgement. A blòódy waste of time.   


you take pleasure in viciously attacking poor, helpless students.

No one gets a free pass on the Troll bridge, BM.


With that, I’ll conclude, because the rest of your post is too incoherent for a response.


This was great, BM; come back and visit again sometime. … or not …




Aug 19, 2018

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