Despite Synth's insistence, there are no viruses here, but perhaps there is bug spray for a mutant synthetic dung-beetle, that balls up fecal matter and throws it all over the forum.
This is disturbing! Not Synth’s comments –he’s bitched about Melody for weeks. Nothing new there. But for you CPhill, something is very amiss!
CPhill, there is no doubt you are a good mathematician and certainly prolific in your output. However your moderator skills are poor. Synth may have the right to speak his piece of dung, and if this was directed directly to Melody, she could deal with it as a small part of a day’s work. But Synth directed this to you in particular and to the forum in general. The stench of it should not be left to linger without a counter point and contradiction.
Letting that synthetic piece of sh*t make such a comment about Melody (twice) without contradiction is tantamount to agreeing with it. It is very poor form, and is bloody dishonorable on many levels. Who the f**k are you, and what did you do with Sir CPhill?
Rather than play hide-and-seek with this post, I’ll continue this (sometime) on a new post, without the overt, but worthy, criticism... It will be a Timeline post. It will delineate the least common denominator for the success and failure of this math forum.