
I feel personally attacked tbh.


W T F Anthrax, why do you feel this way? Based on your math presentations, you seem more than capable of logical, deductive reasoning.


This statement in Spanish and its translation is in no way directed toward you or anyone in particular.  It is simply a homework question.  Without context, there is no way to know if this statement is derogatory or not. 


While the English translation may seem derogatory, such a statement in Spanish probably is not.   It’s may be a colloquialism meaning you often enjoy socializing with family and friends.


Even in English this statement is not necessarily derogatory. “You eat a lot. Your strenuous activity in cold weather requires this.”    As you may see, this context is not derogatory.  


Now, if the statement reads: “¡Comes como un cerdo!” (“You eat like a pig!”)  Then it’s reasonable to assume it’s derogatory. It may imply you are gluttonous, and/or fat and overweight, or it could imply you have atrocious table manners.   Remember though these comments are still not directed to you, so it’s not logical to take them personally. 


So, lighten up: psychologically, by applying logic to statements without context, and physically by getting off your fat, lazy ass, putting a time lock on your refrigerator, and adopting a dietary and exercise regimen consistent with your academic regimen. Then you will become a physically fit, skilled mathematician and linguist with a high resistance to derogatory comments –at least to the comments related to eating too much.


Hopefully you will gain skills and practice in resisting meltdowns from other comments too.  Despite your math and communication skills, you will not be much use to anyone if you melt every time someone makes such comments within your hearing or reading.       

May 16, 2019
May 16, 2019
May 15, 2019

Let's get the equation into the form


(x - h)2 + (y - k)2  =  r2     where the point  (h, k)  is the center of the circle and  r  is the radius.


9x2 - 18x + 9y2 + 36y + 44  =  0

                                                         Subtract  44  from both sides of the equation

9x2 - 18x + 9y2 + 36y  =  -44

                                                         Divide both sides by  9

x2 - 2x + y2 + 4y  =  - \(\frac{44}{9}\)

                                                         Add  1  and add  4  to both sides to complete the squares on the left side


x2 - 2x + 1  +  y2 + 4y + 4   =   - \(\frac{44}{9}\) + 1 + 4

                                                                         Factor both perfect square trinomials on the left side

(x - 1)2  +  (y + 2)2   =   - \(\frac{44}{9}\) + 1 + 4

                                                                         Get a common denominator to combine  - \(\frac{44}{9}\) + 1 + 4

(x - 1)2  +  (y + 2)2   =   - \(\frac{44}{9}\) + \(\frac99\) + \(\frac{36}{9}\)


(x - 1)2  +  (y + 2)2   =   \(\frac19\)


Now it is in the form     (x - h)2 + (y - k)2  =  r2     and we can see that...


r2  =  \(\frac19\)

                  The radius is positive so take the positive sqrt of both sides

r  =  \(\frac13\)

May 15, 2019
May 15, 2019

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