
September 6, 2020:


Happy Sunday everybody! (or whatever day of the week it is…)


Before we start, there was this really (and I do mean really) interesting question that caught my eye:


I checked it out...and guess what? I could not find an answer! 


I’m not sure whether it was me that understood the problem wrong or not. There was a guest that already answered the question, but I’m not sure if their interpretation is right or not…


Anyways, I would like to congratulate all the answerers that contributed today:


- Doggo

- Dragan

- hectictar

- gwenspooner85

- hulu0104

- asinus

- Ericthegg123

- Omi67

- Alan

- Melody

- jugoslav

- joliel3


I have not had as much enthusiasm and motivation to answer as last week...who knows why? Maybe because I aged a year...but I hope to find that motivation sometime soon…




There is not much news for today, except for something Melody has noticed.


She told me that the forum was much “livelier” (if that is the correct word) in the past than it is now. 


Back then, each post would turn into something to joke about (that actually is true, I read some old posts, and WOW, boy were they much “livelier” than today’s).


The newer members are very intelligent, and are learning a lot, but the “liveliness” has gone down a bit.


Since she (Melody) has been such an important role in the forum, I think there is a way to make this forum a bit “livelier” (boy have I used that word A LOT).






I know. Even I have no idea what I am talking about. But, I was thinking, that maybe because of all that couch potatoing that we have been doing for the past….who knows how long….we have lost our motivation and excitement. 


So, I will be starting a “continued forum thread thingy” tomorrow. Everyone can participate, and yes, it is math related.


So here is how it works. The topic is “2012” math competitions (because that is when the calculator was created). You can search up an archive of 2012 math competitions, from AMCs to AIMEs to MathCounts. 


I will start with a question. Then someone answers and posts a new question. Then someone answers that question and posts a new question...and so on. So that is one thing to look forward to tomorrow.


The next four days are going to be busy, as there will be many math competitions, continued forum thingies, and much more. Here is what I hope the schedule would look like:


Monday: 2012 Math Competition continued thread thingy


Tuesday: Answer Competition (as tuesday is international literacy day. More will be explained in tomorrow’s post)


Wednesday: Sudoku Competition (Wednesday is international sudoku day)


Thursday: Remainder Game (more would be explained on wednesday’s wrap)


Answering Tip:


Beware of the pronouns. Don’t use the word, “it” too much, as some people might not know what “it” defines. Let me give you an example of an imaginary answer that uses “it” too much:


Is it a fraction or not? 3x + 4 = 12 is what we want to solve. It has two terms, 3x and 4. It equals to 12. We subtract 4 from it and that is 8. We divide it by 3, and we get it’s answer, which is 8/3. So we know that it is a fraction.


Though this question is relatively easy, you still can follow along. But, we see that the word “it” has been used to describe 5 different things. We also never told what “it” is. Based on “it has two terms”, we might think that “it” describes the left side of the equation, but that is after a long period of thought. But then, “it” is used to describe 12, and then “it” is used to describe 8. 


That is it for tonight! 


Stay tuned for the next four days, as it would be filled with lots of “math fun”. It would be weird if nobody joined…


- ilorty


Lantern Thread

Sep 7, 2020
Sep 6, 2020
Sep 6, 2020

4 Online Users
