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Address of yesterday's wrap post.



I have decided to start a new wrap because the old one is getting difficult to work in.  



This forum was founded by Andre Massow on 25 January 2012.  Thanks Mr Massow   

I discovered it and joined on 28th September 2013.

My first wrap was the 9th January 2014 and I have posted a wrap almost every day since then.  

A really major restructure of the forum 13th April 2014, 

    I was given moderator privileges for the first time on 15th April 2014  

    (What a great birthday present - just one day early     )


CPhill joined 13th March 2014 and became moderator on 11th May 2014.

Alan joined 24th Feb 2014 and became moderator  on the 4th May 2015

There are now 493 posts on that original thread, it is sad leaving it behind but it is not working well any more.  



 Apr 16, 2015

Best Answer 


@@ End of Day Wrap  Fri 17/4/15 Sydney, Australia Time 11:40pm   ♪ ♫


Good evening all,


Great answers today from Mellie, Shaniab29544, CPhill, Zegroes, TitaniumRome, Lonefish, DarkBlaze347, Civonamzuk, Natthada, Badinage, Money, YaBoiWinz, At00B11, Zacismyname, Sasini, Heureka, Alan, and MathsGod1.  Many thanks to each of you :)


It has been an excellent day on the forum today.  Zegroes dropped in and the the forum became very animated for a couple of hours.  It is great when this happens.  Chris and I really appreciate it and a number of our members were joining in.  MathsGod1 and Mellie were quite enjoying themselves I think.  I think Badinage was watching at a sensible distance.  I am sure others were haveing some fun too.  Zegroes is like a cyclone (tornado) when he drops in to visit.   Thanks Zegroes, here is a smiley just for Zegroes, he always complained that I did not use them enough.       

Thank you everyone for all my wonderful birthday wishes and my fabulous cake too.  I've had a great couple of days. :)





Interest Posts:


FTJ means "For the Juniors"

1)     Birthday fun                                                              Thanks Guys.  I have had a fabulous couple of days.

2)     Differentiate  y=ka^x                                               Thanks CPhill and Melody.

3)     An error in the calc has been discovered                 Thanks Anon 

4)     Probabiliy with dice      Middle high level                   Thanks CPhill

5)     Quadratic Equation with trig                                      Thanks Heureka

6)     Difficult function question                                          Well I tried but I didn't get anywhere 

7)     Complex numbers, polar notation                             Thanks Bertie  

8)      Directed numbers  Adding negative numbers   FTJ       Thanks Badinage and Melody

9)      F12 - looking at the HTML code.                               Good question from Zac.

10)    Simultaneous equations (setting up and solving)      Melody            

11)    Geometry of triangle - Difficult                                   Thanks Bertie

12)    Confidence interval for Bernoulli Distribution              Thanks Bertie

13)   Solve   -log(t)=0.64t                                                  Thanks Bertie      


                    ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Apr 17, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap  Thurs 16/4/15 Sydney, Australia Time 1:25am   (Really Fri) ♪ ♫


Hi all,


This is a historic day. The first day of our new wrap thread.  It would have been nice to start it on one of the forum anniversary dates but they are all too far away.  

It is my birthday today but that is almost a coincidence.


As always there were many great answers today.  These were authored by SamHenry, Bertie, CPhill, Badinage, MathsGod1, Natthada, Geno3141, sasini, Civonamzuk and Heureka.  Thank you, you are all wonderful. :)


Interest Posts:


FTJ means "For the Juniors"

1)     Forum humour - I thought this was really funny                   Thanks guys esp MG

2)     How do you construct an inscribed square.     FTJ                Thanks Geno

3)     When is cosec theta = 0                                                        Thanks Geno and Melody. 

4)     Probabilities - very nicley displayed in a table.                     Thanks Alan.    

5)     What is the probablity of something NOT happening? FTJ     Thanks Anon

6)     Probability - not super difficult                                                Thanks Alan

7)     A 'funky' inequality                                                                 Thanks CPhill and Melody.   

8)     The square root of -1                                                             Melody and anon.

9)     Solving a polynomial inequality                                              Thanks CPhill and Melody.   

10)     A fun little equation problem.                                               Thanks CPhill                          

11)     How can you tell if a number is divisable by 3?                    Thanks CPhill and Sasini      

12)     Rule of 72 for compound interest.                                       Thanks CPhill


                    ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫


I am testing to see if i can edit this old post  17th Jan 2016

 Apr 16, 2015
edited by Melody  Jan 16, 2016

Melody-Zegroes, stay out of my wrap post !-........Me-I just had to be the first one to play around in this post....Its only right

 Apr 16, 2015

Thou dare deface this fair Kingdom of Camelot with thine foul graffitti!

It be placed in the most sacred of places too. What terrible evil is this!

The stocks be too good for the.  The Cat O nine awaits!!

Punishment shall be enacted swiftly.  Guards, Guards, arrest this rascal, Zegroes!

 Apr 16, 2015
Best Answer

@@ End of Day Wrap  Fri 17/4/15 Sydney, Australia Time 11:40pm   ♪ ♫


Good evening all,


Great answers today from Mellie, Shaniab29544, CPhill, Zegroes, TitaniumRome, Lonefish, DarkBlaze347, Civonamzuk, Natthada, Badinage, Money, YaBoiWinz, At00B11, Zacismyname, Sasini, Heureka, Alan, and MathsGod1.  Many thanks to each of you :)


It has been an excellent day on the forum today.  Zegroes dropped in and the the forum became very animated for a couple of hours.  It is great when this happens.  Chris and I really appreciate it and a number of our members were joining in.  MathsGod1 and Mellie were quite enjoying themselves I think.  I think Badinage was watching at a sensible distance.  I am sure others were haveing some fun too.  Zegroes is like a cyclone (tornado) when he drops in to visit.   Thanks Zegroes, here is a smiley just for Zegroes, he always complained that I did not use them enough.       

Thank you everyone for all my wonderful birthday wishes and my fabulous cake too.  I've had a great couple of days. :)





Interest Posts:


FTJ means "For the Juniors"

1)     Birthday fun                                                              Thanks Guys.  I have had a fabulous couple of days.

2)     Differentiate  y=ka^x                                               Thanks CPhill and Melody.

3)     An error in the calc has been discovered                 Thanks Anon 

4)     Probabiliy with dice      Middle high level                   Thanks CPhill

5)     Quadratic Equation with trig                                      Thanks Heureka

6)     Difficult function question                                          Well I tried but I didn't get anywhere 

7)     Complex numbers, polar notation                             Thanks Bertie  

8)      Directed numbers  Adding negative numbers   FTJ       Thanks Badinage and Melody

9)      F12 - looking at the HTML code.                               Good question from Zac.

10)    Simultaneous equations (setting up and solving)      Melody            

11)    Geometry of triangle - Difficult                                   Thanks Bertie

12)    Confidence interval for Bernoulli Distribution              Thanks Bertie

13)   Solve   -log(t)=0.64t                                                  Thanks Bertie      


                    ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

Melody Apr 17, 2015

I sure did have fun. :)

 Apr 18, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap    Sat 18/4/15 Sydney,   Australia Time   9:40pm   ♪ ♫


Good evening   


Great answers today from Alan, Trincent, Zacismyname, Badinage, CPhill, Brittany and Zegroes. Thank you :)


Rosala is back.  She has been away at a wedding the second one in about a month.  I think she only came home to change her clothes      Anyway, she is back home and back with us now.  Welcome back Rosala.  


Interest posts:


FTJ means "For the Juniors"

1)      Cute pic                                                                       Thanks anon

2)      Forum fun                                                                    Thanks Badinage and BrittanyJ

3)      I am not really sure that these answers helped             Thanks Zegroes and CPhill   

4)      Simplifying a complex number                                         Melody

5)      What is the e on the calculator?       FTJ                          Melody

6)      Graphing calcs  and factorising cubics                              Thanks Badinage, Melody and Alan  

7)      Bernoulli trial - confidence interval                                  Not answered - I tried and failed      

8)      Solving an inequality                                                     Thanks Alan and Melody                                                                   

                    ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Apr 18, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap    Sun 19/4/15 Sydney,   Australia Time   11:05pm   ♪ ♫


Hi all,


Great answers today from Mellie, Alan, CPhill, TitaniumRome, Natthada, DarkBlaze347, Civonamzuk, Joshuaw20, Zectico, MathsGod1, BrittanyJ, Geno3141, Darklove and Nauseated.  Thanks all  


Interest Posts:  There were masses of interesting, but time consuming, probability questions today. 


FTJ means "For the Juniors"

1)      Today's Fun thread                                                                  Thanks BrittanyJ

2)      Warm Fuzzy post :)                                                                  Thanks anon 

3)      Probability 1.  Want to see the hard way just ask me.              Thanks Alan and Melody         

4)      Probability 2 (number theory?)                                                  No answer yet   

5)      Probability 3 Coin tossing - I made a discovery here               Thanks Melody and Alan

6)      Probability 4  Expected value and others                                    No answer yet

7)      Probability 5  I really like this answer.                                       Thanks CPhill

8)      Probability 6, nongon  I only did part A                                      Melody

9)      Expected values                                                                       Thanks Alan

10)    Trig and factorising                                                                  Thanks Melody and Alan

11)    Expected values                                                                      Thanks Alan

12)    Expected values 2                                                                    Not answered yet 

13)    Finding Total length        FTJ                                                    Thanks Mellie 

14)    Function question                                                                    Thanks Alan and Melody

15)    Great geometry / integration question                                       Thanks Melody and CPhill

16)    Power of infinity   - it is tricky                                                   Thanks Geno


                    ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Apr 19, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap    Mon 20/4/15 Sydney,   Australia Time   11:05pm   ♪ ♫




Today our wonderful answerers were Alan, Zegroes, Brodudedoodebrodude, (your name shall hence forth be Brodude), Gibson338, Zacismyname, Geno3141, Zectico, MathsGod1, TitaniumRome, Badinage and Heureka. 


When people repost in the manner requested (giving the address of the original post) could answerers please answer on the original thread. You could also make a note on the new thread that you have done so.

This way the question and all the posts relating to it will be together. :)   Thank you  


Oh, today I stated using the '?' icon in the left margin to indicate which questions I wanted to go back to, some of which were unanswered.  I have a couple of these symbols available to me.  Would anybody like to suggest how they might best be used?

Alan, you seem to be best at finding your way around.  Can you (or someone else) work out a way to bring up questions with these symbols using the search feature?  If you could that would be great :))

The icons are called: 1-question, 2-exclaim, 3-mrgreen, 4-alert


Interest posts:


1)      Fun pics                                                                     Thanks Mellie

2)      More humour :)                                                           Thanks anon

3)      Forming and solving an equation                                  Thanks Alan and Gibsonj338

4)      Statistics - optimal cost                                               Not answered

5)      Inverse proportions  (good for middle high)                   Melody

6)      Depreciation                                                               Thanks Zacismyname

            A very common error is illustrated by  zectico - errors are good, we learn best from our errors :))

7)      Simplifying logarithms                                                 Thanks Geno

8)      What is a log?                                                             Melody

9)      An 'average' problem                                                   Thanks Geno and Brodudedoodebrodude

10)    Probability1, is it as easy as it looks?                              Melody

11)    Probability2,                                                               Thanks Mellie and Alan.

            I hope it is easier to find the treasure than it is to find the probability of finding the treasure!

12)   Expected Value   (Still more to answer)                         Thanks Alan 

13)   Geometry probabilty question  (Still more to answer)      Melody

14)   Trig Series                                                                  Melody

15)   Gradient                                                                     Thanks Heureka and Melody


                    ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Apr 20, 2015

Though I do agree with you in the sense that the End of Day wrap thread was getting too long, you shoulda pushed the extra week to get it to 500 posts. C'mon Melody! 

 Apr 21, 2015

Hello, this is Titanium Rome, aka RomanTheAWESOME!


Question: Why do people put their names as (for example: Allie The Great) when they can be AWESOME (for example, AllieTheAWESOME).  That's why the AWESOME in my name was in cap locks and underscored

 Apr 21, 2015

stop complaining and whining GoldenLeaf! The date was absolutely perfect, so stop complaining! Also, was I first person to join for the 2nd Wrap? If I was, then this one will become awesome, since we will become more awesome every day

 Apr 21, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap    Tues 21/4/15 Sydney,   Australia Time   1:20am   (Wed really)  ♪ ♫


Good morning everyone,  Wed for me, Tuesday for many of you slow coaches. :)


Today our industrious answerers were anees220, Alan, Geno3141, Zegroes, Happy7, MathAnswerer, JackFrost, Badinage, TitaniumRome, JayCole, DarkBlaze347, Anees, CPhill, GoldenLeaf, Zacismyname, Bertie, Heureka and Nauseated.  Thanks all, without all you efforts this forum would not function 


Interest posts:


FTJ means "For the Juniors"

1)      Inequality AND entertainment                                Thanks Alan

2)      What is a Rube Goldburg display, watch to find out.   Thanks Nauseated.                             

3)      Number theory                                                      Thanks Geno and Nauseated

4)      Solving equations by elimination                             Thanks CPhill

5)      An interesting graph                                              Thanks Alan

6)      Complex numbers.                                                 Thanks Fiora, Melody, Badinage, Bertie and Alan. 

7)      Nickels and dimes                                                  Thanks CPhill and Heureka

8)      Dividing by fractions       FTJ                                   Thanks Zacismyname

9)      Forming and solving equations   (middle high)          Thanks CPhill

10)    Repeat geometry question - great new solution         Thanks Alan


                    ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Apr 21, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap    Wed 22/4/15 Sydney,   Australia Time   8:51pm     ♪ ♫


Hi all,


Answer credits today go to CPhill, Badinage, zegroes, TitaniumRome, JayCole, Zacismyname, MathGod1, DarkBlaze347, Heureka, Shaniab29544, Alan, Civonamzuk, Trincent, MaddiB926 and HelloJurman.  Thank you all.  


Please everyone,  this 'End of day wrap'  thread is just for the wraps.  If you want to comment or leave posts relating to it could you please leave them on the lantern thread.  I would really appreciate that because the wrap thread gets very long and I want it to be usable for a long time.    Thank you for understanding. I really do want your input - but please leave it with the Lantern.  


Interest Posts:


1)     Fun                                                                        Thanks CPhill et al.

2)     Resistance - Physics and calculus                               Thanks SevenUp, Melody and Alan

3)     Prove that the points make a trapezium                     Thanks CPhill

4)     Factoring with the web2 calc                                     Thanks Alan and Heureka

5)    Exact value of pi                                                     Thanks Badinage and Heureka


                    ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Apr 22, 2015

Shameful melody! How dare you nag to everyone to not post on this thread but on the latern thread if you didnt even link it like so!http://web2.0calc.com/questions/lantern-the-end-of-day-wrap-is-written-wed-22-4-15 I told you and told you a thousand times to show your work and in a sense! You did not show your work by not postin a link missy! Go to your room! Your grounded until you know the value of copy and pasting!

 Apr 22, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap    Thurs 23/4/15  Sydney,   Australia Time   10:50pm     ♪ ♫


Hi all,


Alan must have answered 100 questions today, thanks Alan  . Lots of other wonderful people did help him though.  These cool people were Heureka, DjRelic, Geno3141, CPhill, Arkane, Shaniab29544, TitaniumRome, Dbg4thebest, Civonamzuk, MahGod1, Anika121, Harrypotter, bgda121, Zegroes, JayCole, TayJay and DarkBlaze347.   Thanks guys and gals  


Please everyone,  this 'End of day wrap'  thread is just for the wraps.  If you want to comment or leave posts relating to it could you please leave them on the lantern thread.  

(As per Zegroes suggestion, the link is included this time)        


Interest Posts:

1)    Number Puzzle        Alan and Badinage are having fun with this one. 

2)    How big is the tin of paint?                                                       Thanks Alan

3)    Simultaneous equations and the Web2 calc                                Thanks Alan and CPhill

4)    Which is bigger ?                                                                     Thanks MathsGod1 and Melody

5)    Equating a very large number                                                   Melody

6)   Probability with a Normal (Gaussian) distribution                         Thanks Alan

7)   Look how our Web2 calc can factorize                                      Thanks Alan

8)   Squaring a negative number                                                      Thanks Alan, Melody and Civonamzuk

9)   Finding the angle sum of a polygon                                            Thanks TayJay and Melody

10) Geometry probability - A repeat quesion (not labelled as such)       Still not answered

11) Sinh equation.                                                                           Very impressive Heureka  

12) A geometry construction question/challenge by Radio                     Not answered yet.


                    ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Apr 23, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Fri 24/4/15  Sydney,   Australia Time   1:06am   (really Sat)     ♪ ♫


Hi everyone,


Great answers today from BrittanyJ, CPhill, Alan, Civonamzuk, Badinage, MathsGod1, MasterGrimm, Geno3141 and TitaniumRome.   Thank you   


If someone makes an unpleasant post I strongly believe it is best for others to ignore it.  If you respond  in any way then you are giving the poster the attention that they are craving.  If they are ignored they will get bored very quickly and go away.

There has been a lot of very inappropriate material posted on the forum the last couple of days.  If you see any of this could you please let me and/or CPhill know straight away by private message. Please copy the address of the post and paste it into the message so that we can go straight to it.  We have the power to delete it.

Please do not publicly respond to these post !


Please everyone,  this 'End of day wrap'  thread is just for the wraps.  If you want to comment or leave posts relating to it could you please leave them on the lantern thread.  


Interest Posts:


1)      Riddle                                                                               Brittany and anons 

2)      Calculating resistance  (continued)                                    SevenUp, Alan and Melody

3)      Making sense of a circle equation                                      Thanks Heureka and Melody

4)      Rotating an equation - Very impressive mathematics from CPhill :)

5)      Sisyphus is at it again!    Thanks CPhill           Oh, thanks Alan for answering the question too :)

                 I have never known anyone to be so single minded and to work so hard!

6)      Given a percentage fin the original amount   (2 good answers)    Thanks Civonamzuk and Melody

7)      Simultaneous Equations                                                     Melody

8)      Sound waves                                                                      Not answered

9)      Calories and burnt marshmellows                                       Not answered

                This question is interesting but I don't know if it actually makes sense :/


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 Apr 24, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Sat 25/4/15  Sydney,   Australia Time   12:35am   (really Sun)     ♪ ♫


Hi all,


Let me see, who are our brilliant answerers today?  They are CPhill, Alan, shaniab29544, BrittanyJ, Civonamzuk, DarkBlaze347, Michael514, TitaniumRome,  Sasini, Zacixmyname and Heureka.  Thank you everyone.   


I think I need to stress this once again.  If there is an unpleasant post please IGNORE IT.  People get bored when they are ignored and they go away much quicker!


Interest Posts:


FTJ means "For the Juniors"

1)       Forum Etiqiette      Please read                                           Melody

2)       Sound waves  (repeated)                                                   Thanks Alan

3)       How many notebooks are needed?      FTJ                            Melody

4)       Rounding numbers   Great video clip      FTJ                        Melody

5)       How old is my daughter?         Great for middle high            Thanks Alan

6)       Expected return                                                                Thanks Alan

7)       Probability trains.                                                            Not answered

8)       Pascal's triangle 1                                                           Not answered

9)       Mellie has asked a stack of Pascal Triangle questions, they are around this page

              http://web2.0calc.com/questions/page/1663        (I've labelled them with the ? icon )

10)     Probability - region    Mellie's question                               Thanks Alan

11)     Expected value - easier one (die)   Mellie's question             Thanks Alan

12)     Integration by Parts                                                          Melody

13)     Calculator function  NormPDF                                             Thanks Alan

14)     External angle of a polygon problem                                    Melody

15)     Rotating an equation (continued)        

                 A fantastic answer from CPhill yesterday and another masterpeice by Heureka today  

16)     Calories in a marshmellow  (from yesterday)                         Thanks Alan

17)     Sigma notation.                                                                Thanks Alan


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 Apr 25, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Sun 26/4/15  Sydney,   Australia Time   9:35pm    ♪ ♫


Hello everyone,    


Our industrious answerers today were DarkBlaze347, HeatherF, Alan, Rosala, CPhill, TitaniumRome, Jr326, Mellie, MathsGod1 and SevenUp.   A great big thank you to each of you.     


Interest Posts:


FTJ means "For the Juniors"

1)    Logic Puzzle                     FTJ            

2)    The unit circle.                                                 Melody

3)    Curves with discontinuities                                Thanks CPhill

4)    Trig equation                                                   Thanks CPhill and Alan

5)    2D Puzzle ( Thanks anon )                                   Not answered yet  

6)    Algebra Proof                                                     Thanks Alan

7)    Train probability (continued)                                Thanks Alan

8)    Normal pdf   (continued)                                     Thanks Alan and Melody

9)    Calories in marshmellows (continued)                   Thanks Alan and Melody

10)    How much does a silicon atom weigh?                 Thanks Alan


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 Apr 26, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Tues 28/4/15  Sydney,   Australia Time   10:46pm    ♪ ♫


A good day to you all   


Our excellent answerers over the past 2 days have been;  Mellie, Geno3141, Heureka, Alan, MathsGod1, TheJonyMyster, DarkBlaze347, CPhill, Michael14, IlovePi, Rosala, Gibson338, DjRelic, Evermornin17, Lacrossegirl2, BrittanyJ and Yoloxd.  Thank you all.    


Today I have been in contact with the owner and developer of this site, Mr Massow.  I mentioned only a couple of issues, the main one was the unwanted pornography that has been invading our site.  I asked him if we could make this a members only site, he did not respond to this, I know it is not what he wants but he says he has been working on a website update for the past 5 months and it will be implemented soon.  

He also said that he has contacted http://www.webpurify.com/  to see if their solution can prevent unsavoury posts and images.  He is hoping that the webpurify solution can be easily incorporated ino the new updated forum. 

I will keep you updated on any further communications that I may have with Mr. Massow.  


If you would like to comment please do so on the Lantern thread.   Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


FTJ means "For the Juniors"

1)      Puzzle,   repeated-any more thoughts here                                    Thanks anon

2)      Wins to losses     I really liked this question                                   Thanks Geno

3)      How long to fill the bath tub ?                                                  Thanks Geno

4)      PEMDAS - Make sure you really understand      FTJ                         Brittany, Melody and CPhill 

5)      Playing with roots                                                                       Thanks TheJonyMyster 

6)      Probabiliy - Another from Mellie                                                   Thanks CPhill and Geno

7)      Setting up and solving an equation                                               Thanks Geno

8)      Visualising the surface area of a cylinder                                        Melody

9)      Probability - Mellie is hanging out for an answer here, can someone help her?

                         Thanks Chris for the fist part of the answer :)


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 Apr 28, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Wed 29/4/15  Sydney,   Australia Time   12:07 am  (Really Thurs)    ♪ ♫


Hello everybody,     


Today our esteemed answerers were Dbg4thebest, Sasini. Heureka, CPhill, MathGod1, Geno3141, ShadowBolt04, Shaniab29544, Mellie, Brodude, civonamzuk, Badinage, Alan, Zacismyname, TitaniumRome, HeatherF and SevenUp.  Thank you all :)


Today Mr Massow informed me that he is going to stop anonymous people from posting pictures.  This should help reduce some of the problems that we have been having lately and I am very grateful to him.  


Rosala has been experiencing some site problems, can anyone help her?      Rosala's Site problem

If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern thread.   Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


FTJ means "For the Juniors"

1)      Calculate the frequency of green light                                Thanks Heureka

2)      Minimum value, calculus                                                   Thanks CPhill

3)      Permutations                                                                    Excellent answer from MathsGod1. 

4)      Probability with geometry   (another Mellie special)              Thanks CPhill

5)      Pythagorean problem           FTJ                                        Fabulous answer from Zacismyname  

6)      Probability   Oh no! 2 red lights in a row!                            Thanks Alan and Melody

7)      Forming an algebraic expression      FTJ                              Thanks CPhill

8)      Velocity and momentum                                                   Thanks Alan

9)      Finding the finite length of a function curve                        Thanks Brodude and Alan

10)    Draining Rates - looks interesting                                       Thanks Alan


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 Apr 29, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Thurs 30/4/15  Sydney,   Australia Time   2:22 am  (Really Fri)    ♪ ♫


Hi all,    


We have a lot of fantastic answerers these days.  Here you all are for today :)

TitaniumRome, Zacismyname, CPhill, zegroes, DarkBlaze347, HeatherF, Badinage, Heureka, Geno3141, MathsGod1, EinsteinJr, Alan, MaddiB926, Shaniab29544, Brodude, Civonamzuk, Mellie, ShadowBolt04 and Alfje. Thank you all   


Rosala is still experiencing some site problems, can anyone help her?      Rosala's Site problem

If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread   Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


1)     Member discussion of the forum                               Thanks  to a number of members  

2)     Ghosts in the site                                                   Zegroes et al    

3)     Can you spot the error ?                                          Thanks EinsteinJr

4)    Probability - arrival times                                        Thanks CPhill

5)    Surface area and volume of a Pentagonal prism          Melody

6)    Forming and solving equations                                 Thanks CPhill and Rosala

7)    Gravitational Force between 2 b***s                           Thanks Geno

8)    Gravity exerted by the Earth                                    Thanks Heureka

9)    Time and special relativity                                       Thanks Alan

10)  Zeros of quadratic polynomials                                 Melody and Alan

11)  Combination and Pascal's triangle                             Thanks Heureka

12)  Probability and colours  (A Mellie special)                    Thanks CPhill

13)  Confusing piggy bank                                               Melody

14)  Equation Solutions                                                   Melody

15)  Horse trough rates continues                                     Alan and CPhill


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 Apr 30, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Fri 1/5/15  Sydney,   Australia Time   2:20 am  (Really Sat)    ♪ ♫


Hello  everyone, it is another late night for me    


Answer credits go to: EinsteinJr,  Alan, Mellie, MathsGod1, Civonamzuk, Shaniab, Zegroes, TitaniumRome, ShadowBolt04, Rosala, maddiB926, alfje and Badinage.  Thank you for all those great answers  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread   Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


1)   Social post for the juniors     

2)   Fun for the junior members                                                   Thanks TitaniumRome

3)   This one is just for the mathematicians - it's hilarious           A huge thanks to all the youth involved. 

4)   Graph transformations - A great peice of work by BrittanyJ.      Thank you

5)   Ideas for learning tables                                                        Thanks MathsGod1 and Melody

6)   Probability, Lollies and children another Mellie special.                Melody

7)   Probability2                                                                           Melody

8)   Birth year problem                                                                 Melody

9)   Number challenge                                                                   Not answered.

10)   Using the web2 calc for finding roots                                       Thanks Alan

11)  Unanswered Probability questions


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 May 1, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Sat 2/5/15  Sydney,   Australia Time   12:59am  (Really Sun)    ♪ ♫


Hi all  


Our industrious answerers today were Geno3141, Alan, civonamzuk, Annonymous4338, MaddiB926, DarkBlaze347, Shaniab29544, Zacismyname, TitaniumRome, Rosala, Fiora, EinsteinJr and MathsGod1.

Thank you all    


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread  Thank you.    


Interest posts:


1)     Brilliant puzzle question                          Thanks Civonamzuk, Geno, Fiora and Melody

                      Also thanks to MathsGod1 for  recommending it for the wrap   

2)     A chicken a fox and some corn                                           Thanks Civonamzuk

3)     Number of digits in a very large number. (I found this fascinating)       Thanks Alan

4)     Diluting alcohol                                                                  Thanks Alan and anon

5)     Understanding combinations      Introductory                        Thanks Badinage and Melody


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 May 2, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Sun 3/5/15  Sydney,   Australia Time   9:04pm    ♪ ♫


Good evening,     


Great answers today from Alan, CPhill, Rosala, Badinage, MathsGod1, Geno3141, Hawkeye and Will85237. Thank you 


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


1)    MathsGod1 and Rosala have been busy learning LaTex, maybe you could learn too  

2)    Negative hexidecimal numbers                                            Thanks Chris and Alan

3)    Difficult equation - a graphing and a Newton-Raphson solution   Thanks CPhill and Alan

4)    Rearreanging an equation - with a cool little physics pic :)         Thanks Alan

5)    Setting up equations                                                              Thanks Zac and Chris :)      

6)    More of Mellie's probability specials                                           Not answered  

7)    LancelotLink is back.  He says this forum needs more moderation and he is running for the office.

                      His slogan is  "Lancelot for Camelot"    and he is offering bribes for votes.                 


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 May 3, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Mon 4/5/15  Sydney,   Australia Time   1:00am (Really Tues)   ♪ ♫


Good evening all  


A lot happened today but I will do the credits first:   Our fabulous answers were provided by Badinage, MathsGod1, Sean1w0ii, Alan, Mellie, Awesomeee, CPhill, DarkBlaze347, Heureka, Geno3141, SoulReaper222, Zacismyname, Dbg4thebest and Civonamzuk.  Thanks all.


Mr Massow contacted me today and said that these changes have been made.

* Anons can no longer post images or web links    * A simple swearword filter has been implemented

* Message system has been improved    *mobile calculator start page improved

* There was also a score update today.  Some people's scores jumped markedly and this is why.

Congratulations to MathsGod1 for gaining his 1000 point star.    

Improvements that are to come:

* Better filter    *faster page load    *better message system.

Thanks you Mr Massow  


This morning someone was impersonating me.  Admin noticed almost immediately and the member has been deregistered.  You must be very careful in any internet environment.  It is very easy for people to pretend to be someone that they are not.  You as a user must be very cautious.  Do not be too quick to believe people.

Some people have noticed that there is a CPhill and a CPhill2.  Do not be alarmed, they really are the same person.  There are a great many messages between me and CPhill and this is causing problems for us.  So the alternate name CPhill2 was registered just so that we can continue to communicate with one another.


Now for the really BIG news.

Chris and I are delighted to announce that as of today ALAN will be moderating along side of us. 

Alan has been a member for over a year and his contirbutions to this site have been invaluable. 

We thank you Alan and we look forward to working with you for a long time into the future   



If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


FTJ means "For the Juniors"

1)    Congratulations on becoming a moderator Alan.    

2)    I offered condolence to LancelotLink on his defeat.    

3)    A lovely thank you to the answerers - we really appreciate this recognition.         Thanks Kim

4)    Setting up and solving simultaneous equations                                   Melody

5)    Indices                                                                                       Thanks Alan

6)    This series sum looks interesting         (Advanced)                              Thanks Alan

7)    Modelling the flight path of a soccer ball                                            Thanks Alan and Heureka

8)    Understanding positive and negative numbers     FTJ                           SoulReaper222 and Melody.

9)    How can a peice of paper take you to the moon!                                  Thanks Alan

10)  Manipulating an algebraic equation   (difficult)                                    Thanks Alan and Heureka

11)  Differential Equation with partial fractions                                          Thanks Alan

12)  2 bikes and one poor fly                                                                   Thanks CPhill


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 May 4, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Tues 5/5/15   Sydney,   Australia Time    9:50pm   ♪ ♫


Hi all,


This day's esteemed answerers are: Alan, Everymornin17, Dbg4thbest, CPhill, MathsGod1, Admin, AngelAudrey, TheMathsStudent, Geno3141, ShadowBolt04, Heureka and Zacismyname.   Thanks everyone.   


If you would like to comment on site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


FTJ means "For the Juniors"

1)   Some fun May4th                                                           Thanks TitaniumRome

2)   Cheap skate town planners                                                Thanks Alan 

3)   Conic Sections                                                                  Thanks CPhill

4)   Understanding factors          FTJ +                                      Thanks CPhill

5)   Modulo Arithmetic                                                             Thanks TheMathsStudent, CPhill and Melody

6)   Surface area of a cylinder           FTJ +                                Thanks MathsGod1

7)   Bearings, speed and direction                                             Thanks CPhill


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 May 5, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Wed 6/5/15   Sydney,   Australia Time    12:35am  (Really Thurs) ♪ ♫


Hello everyone,


It is great to see so many members give really good quality answers.  When I first set out to 'grow' this forum it was always my wish that eventually many of the questions would be answered by the members,  with the younger members answering as many as they could.  (There were no other 'older' members back then anyway)

Now this is happening and I am ever so pleased.  


Answer credits for today go to Heureka, Alan, Jhicus01, Carmelbowom, CPhill, HeatherF, Everymornin17, BrittanyJ, Isiber17, civonamzuk, MathsGod1, Ncolllie, DarkBlaze347, Brodudedoodebrodude, Headingnorth and Mellie.   Thanks all  


Oh, Mr Massow said he had improved the message system.  I have noted that messages are much easier to delete now.  We still have to delete them one at a time but we can start deleting a second and a third one while the first deletion is still processing.  This is great.  Thank you Mr. Massow.


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


FTJ means "For the Juniors"

1)    Fun riddle                                                                                Thanks Martind

2)    May the 4th be with you - accidentally left out yesterday         Thanks TitaniumRome

3)    Cinco De Mayo commemoration day - History lesson               Thanks HeatherF

4)    Solving simultaneous equation using a matrix                         Thanks Heureka

5)    How many triangles fit the description                                    Thanks Civonamzuk, CPhill and Melody

6)    Combination lollie problem.  (Mellie special  )                      Melody

7)    Fractional considerations                                                    Thanks Everymornin17, CPhill and Melody

8)    Time to walk around a rock                                                     Thanks Isiber17

9)    Find the 4th point of a parallelogram.                                    Thanks CPhill, Civonamzuk and Heureka

10)   Area of a triangle                                                                    Thanks CPhill and Brodude    

11)   Pet bugs                                                                                 Thanks Alan and Melody

12)   Triangle question                                                                    Thanks CPhill, civonamzuk and Heureka

13)   What does x! mean           FTJ                                                 Thanks Brodudedoodebrodude

14)   Deriving d'Alembert's general solution                                    Thanks Alan and Heureka

15)   Probability - Black and white b***s                                            Thanks CPhill and Melody


                    ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 May 6, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Thurs 7/5/15   Sydney,   Australia Time    11:00pm ♪ ♫


Good day to you all,    


Our esteemed answerers today are: Martind, CPhill, Brodude, Everymornin17, Civonamzuk, Alan, Heureka, TayJay, Headingnorth, Mellie, Xerxes, Awsomeee, Annabell1DirectionS and DarkBlaze347. Thank you all.


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


FTJ means "For the Juniors"

1)   Toungue Twister   (Thanks Everymornin17)                             Why don't YOU try it.  

2)   What is the difference between combinations and permutations   Thanks CPhill and Melody

3)   Using binomial expansions                                                     Thanks Melody and CPhill

4)   Changing complex numbers into polar form                              Thanks Alan

5)   Perfect square trinomial                                                          Thanks CPhill

6)   Finding coefficients in binomial expansions                               Melody

7)   Problem of age                                                                     Thanks Civonamzuk and CPhill

8)   Algebraic division and simplification (plus Great LaTex )             Thanks Heureka

9)   Ratio of parts                                                                       Thanks CPhill and Melody

10) Triangle Geometry                                                                Thanks CPhill, Civonamzuk and Heureka


                    ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 May 7, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Sat 9/5/15   Sydney,   Australia Time    2:20am (Really Sun) ♪ ♫


Hi everyone,


I did not write a wrap yesterday so today is a big one.  We have so many wonderful answerers, and here they all are:  Martind, Cstaib45, Alan, Squaddy, DarkBlaze347, MathsGod1, HeadingNorth, CPhill, Nathan0501, Everymornin17, Awsomeee, SilkerR7, Civonamzuk, Zacismyname, Mihail, annabelle1DirectionS, Geno3141, Xerces, Fiora, EinsteinJr and MrGenius.  A big thank you to each of you.    


I saved this post for the wrap because it was extremely funny.

I have whited out a number of offensive posts that it did contain.

Volume of cube given the SA.         (Thanks Geno3141 for your great answer.)  

There is some very unacceptable behaviour on the forum at present.  

Nauseated was voicing his displeasure with his usual degree of mordant humour.

However, this is a serious matter, if the offensive posts and private messages from members continue THEY WILL ultimately result in account suspensions.  

Members are expected to be civil to one another at all times.  Also, this is not face book or a games site.  

We all want everyone to enjoy being here but this is fundamentally a serious forum for learning.  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


FTJ means "For the Juniors"

1)   Year 8  Sample Test for International Olympiad of Mathematics   Thanks for providing it Alan.

                     I though some students might like to challenge themselves with it.  

2)   Factorising technique         (For the middle students )           Thanks Alan              

3)   A problem with averages (means)                                          Thanks Alan and Melody                        

4)   Percentage problem        FTJ                                                  Thanks Squaddy and DarkBlaze347

5)   Average speeds - these are tricky                                      Thanks CPhill

6)   Impressive trigonometry                                                       Thanks Heureka

7)   Forming and solving a siultaneous equ geometry problem     Thanks Zacismyname and Alan

8)   Marbles and children - Great question                                    Thanks CPhill and anon

9)   Temperature change            FTJ                                             Thanks CPhill

10) Unusual rectangle question                                                    Thanks Alan

11) Little number problem - good for everyone                             Thanks Alan and EinsteinJr

12) Diophantine Equation (continued)                                            Thanks Melody CPhill and Bertie

13) When will the hands of the clock point in the same direction?  Thanks CPhill, Fiora and Alan

14) Bearings - where is that other boat?!                                      Thanks Geno and zacismyname

15) Limit as x tends to infinity - using L'Hopital's Rule                   Thanks Alan

16) Complicated Trig with more amazing LaTex                            Thanks Heureka


                           ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 May 9, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Sun 10/5/15   Sydney,   Australia Time    12:20am (Really Mon) ♪ ♫


Happy Sunday to everyone, (except me perhaps    - oh only because it is Monday for me)


Today our terrific answers were delivered by DarkBlaze347, MathsGod1, Alan, CPhill, EinsteinJr, Daedalus, Gibsonj338, Mr Genius, Zacismyname, Headingnorth, foodisloveandlife, Fiora and Zerxes.  Thanks all :)


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


FTJ means "For the Juniors"

1)   A gift from Chris and a nostalgic look at times gone by.    Thanks Chris and a big thank you to everyone that joined in the thread as well as all those who contribute so much to making this forum a really great place to be :)

Thanks Morgan Tud for taking us on this trip down Memory Lane.  There have been some extremely fun times in Camelot.   

2)   Where can the spies sit?  Puzzle   by MathsGod1      

3)    Coefficient in a perfect square binomial expansion         Thanks Melody and Chris

4)    What number is a billion ?                                              Thanks MathsGod1, Mr Genius and EinsteinJr

5)    Sum of all positive integers is -1/12 ?                             Thanks EinsteinJr and Daedalus.

6)    Follow up to yesterday's clock problem (13)                   Thanks Civonamzuk, CPhill and Alan

7)    What is the biggest Remainder - Graphical solution        Thanks Alan

8)    Ratios and angles       FTJ                                               Thanks CPhill

9)   Understanding fractional indices                                     Thanks Headingnorth

10)  How many steps on the escalator?                                  Thanks Headingnorth

11)   Will the pole fit ?                                                             Thanks CPhill


                           ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 May 10, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Mon 11/5/15   Sydney,   Australia Time    12:40am (Really Tues) ♪ ♫


Hi all,

The 11th May is a great day because exactly one year ago today CPhill became a moderator of this site.  I was going to put up balloons but Chris likes marbles a whole lot more.  So here is a gift, from all the members, for you Chris.  



It has been a wonderful year.  Thankyou Chris for helping me shape this forum into its present form.  It is a place that you, I, Alan and all the members can be very proud of.  


Today our wonderful answerers were DarkBlaze347, Alan, MrGenius, CPhill, Rayhan, Awesomeee, TitaniumRome, xerxes, Badinage and Mathcad.  Thank you all :)


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


 FTJ means "For the Juniors"

1)   Geometry and algebra challenge Puzzle by Alan.  

               If you are a good middle high student you should give it a go!   Thanks Alan

2)   MGs benches and spies puzzle   (Provided by MathsGod1  )     Thanks Alan, CPhill and Melody

3)   Postal Puzzle           Provided by Civonamzuk                    Thanks Alan 

4)   A puzzle with 2s but not 2+2                                            Thanks xerxes, Melody and Badinage

5)   Equatorial Puzzle by Mahthcad

6)   Using a binomial expansion to cube a number                  Thanks Alan

7)   Area of a triangle                                                              Thanks Heureka,Civonamzuk Alan

8)   Fractals                                                                             Thanks Heureka and Melody

9)   Finding terms with a recusive formula                               Thanks Alan

10) Working with ratios       FTJ                                               Thanks Alan

11) Remainder Theorem                                                          Thanks CPhill

12) Proof with Wilson's Theorem  (revisit requested by Badinage)    Thanks Mathcad and Alan

13) Finding the diagonal of a box                                              Thanks Xerxes and Melody


                           ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 May 11, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Tues 12/5/15   Sydney, Australia Time   10:40pm  ♪ ♫


Hello everyone,


Today our answer credits are awarded to Mathcad, Xerxes, Geno3141, Civonamzuk, Alan, DarkBlaze347, Beary, HeatherF, CPhill, Zacismyname, MathsGod1, Headingnorth amd Kes1968.  Thanks guys (I could add 'and girls' but I don't need to because in Australia, if 'guys' is used in this way, it automatically includes the girls   )


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

Interest Posts:

1)  Logic Puzzle                                                              Thanks Geno 

2)  Forming and solving simultaneous equations            Thanks Alan

3)  What is 8 divided by 1/4         FTJ                             Thanks DarkBlaze347

4)  How old am I ?                                                          Thanks CPhill

5)  Simple Factorisation             FTJ                                Thanks Geno and Melody

6)  Money compounding quarterly - great explanation    Thanks Zac

7)  Finding time in a compounding problem                    Thanks Zac and Alan

8)  How fast is the Earth traveling around the Sun?        Thanks Zac an Alan

9)  Finding linear speed from radial velocity                    Thanks Alan

10) Using Wilson's Theorem Cont                                    Thanks Alan, Mathcad and Bertie


                           ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 May 12, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Wed 13/5/15   Sydney, Australia Time   7:40pm  ♪ ♫


Good day to you all,


Great answers today from GirlsNightOut, Civonamzuk, DarkBlaze347, Alan, MathGod1, foodisloveandlife, EinsteinJr, Brodudedoodebrodude, CPhill, Calicalilac, MaddiB926, Geno3141, Headingnorth, Zacismyname and Feliciabaugh110722.  Thanks everyone  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1)  Alan's Geometry Puzzle continued                                      Brodude, Headingnorth and Melody

2)  Limiting sum of a Series                                                     Great answer from Alan  

3)  Repeating decimals                                                            Thanks CPhill 

4)  Understanding polynomials                                                 Thanks CPhill

5)  Nine times table  (this is  a great little 'trick')     FTJ            Thanks Feliciabaugh110722

6)  What does ! mean in maths questions?             FTJ             Thanks anon and CPhill

7)  How do you change a recurring decimal to a fraction?          Thanks Alan

8)  Setting up and solving a difficult equation                           Thanks CPhill


                          ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 May 13, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Thurs 14/5/15   Sydney, Australia Time   6:40pm  ♪ ♫


Hi everyone,


Many great answers today from Heureka, Derrickid, kes1968, EinsteinJr, DarkBlaze347, Martindomeck, BrittanyJ, GirlsNightOut, Nauseated, hotman123, Smartboy, wonergirl257, Civonamzuk, Geno3141, TitaniumRome, HeatherF, BunnyBoo and Fiora.  Thank you.  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1)  Channel 21 News report                                                                   Thanks HeatherFeather

2)  Great little logic puzzle                                                                      Melody

3)  Light and the universe   Great concept question from  Squareroot.   Thanks GirlsNightOut and Nauseated.

4)  Equation solution                                                                              Thanks Heureka

5)  Ratios                                                                                                Thanks CPhill

6)  Watery Puzzle provided by Fiora                                                        No answers yet.

7)  Playing with indices                                                                            Melody

8)  Work done                                                                                         Thanks Alan 

9)  Annuity

10) Finding roots of a polynomial using synthetic division                       Thanks CPhill

11) sin3x=-0.6                                                                                       Melody and Heureka

12) Solve for X. It is not a pretty equation.                                        Thanks Melody, CPhill, Fiora and Alan

13) Geometry question                                                                           Thanks Geno and Civonamzuk

14) How DO you solve equations     FTJ                                                  Melody

15) The escalator revisited.                                                                    Thanks HeadingNorth and CPhill


                          ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 May 14, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Fri 15/5/15   Sydney, Australia Time   11:59pm  ♪ ♫


Hi all,


Another busy day       Let me see, who gave fabulous answers today?   Mmm

Zacismyname, Dbg4thebest, CPhill, EinsteinJr, Cionamzuk, Alan, Geno3141, Headingnorth, Silver27, DarkBlaze347, Gibsonj338, Heureka, Fiora and JimBob.  Yes, you all gave wonderful answer.  Thank you. 


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1) HAPPY BIRTHDAY HEATHER      Hip, hip horrah!

2) 0/0   undefined or indeterminant ?                                   Thanks EinsteinJr  and CPhill

3) How do you work out the thickness of Aluminium foil ?     Melody

4) Finding the area of a triangle                                           Thanks Alan, Civonamzuk, CPhill and Fiora 

5) Square root of  -7          FTJ                                             Dgb4thebest, MathsGod1 and Melody

6) Probability that A roll a 6 first.                                         Great answer by Alan.

7) Factorizing quadratics                                                     Thanks Alan and Melody

8) Finding an inverse function                                             Thanks Alan, Gibsonj338 and Melody

9) Find r then T8 of a GP                                                      Thanks Heureka

10) Converting decimal to binary                                          Thanks Alan, CPhill,  Gibsonj338 and Melody

11) Finding y intercept      FTJ+                                          Thanks CPhill

12) Find the area of the emblem                                         Thanks Alan and Heureka

13) Simultaneous solution (graphing technique used)         Thanks CPhill


                          ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 May 15, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Sun 17/5/15   Sydney, Australia Time   9:05pm  ♪ ♫


Hi all,


This weekend we have had fabulous answers from Alan, Gibsonj338, Headingnorth, Heureka, MathsGod1, Geno3141, CPhill, EinsteinJr, BrittanyJ, Fiora, Zacismyname and HeatherF.  Thank you.


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1)  This is HILARIOUS                                              Thanks Chris   

2)  Puzzle - dividing land equally                                Thanks Civonamzuk and Alan

3)  Converting basse10 to binary (continued)               Thanks Heureka et  al

4)  How to solve an equation.   FTJ                             Melody

               This is a very basic intoduction to equation solving.  It is a continuing thread.

               I am doing this for MathsGod1 but others who want to understand are welcome to join in!

5)  Manipulating Trig identities                                  Thanks Heureka and Fiora

6)  Inverse functions                                                 Thanks CPhill

7)  Difference of 2 squares with no letters!                  Thanks anon, Radix and Melody

8)  If you square a neg is the answer positive?    FTJ    Thanks Alan

9)  Manipulating imaginary numbers (easy)                 Thanks CPhill

10) Great ratio question!                                           Thanks CPhill

11) Pythagorean Theorem                                          Thanks Alan, Melody and Heureka  

12) Pentagon Geometry                                             Thanks Fiora and Alan

13) Trigonometry and bearings                                   Thanks CPhill

14) Probability                Answers already given:          Thanks CPhill and Melody

        (5 new questions by Mellie on this page, they are maked with question marks in the margin)


                          ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 May 17, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Mon 18/5/15   Sydney, Australia Time   9:40pm  ♪ ♫


Hello all my fellow forumers 


Today our fabulous answers were supplied by Mellie, Heureka, EinsteinJr, Fiora, MathsGod1, CPhill, Dbg4thebest, DarkBlaze347, Zacismyname, Brycia, Alan and Radix.  Thanks all.


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


1)  The Unfortunate Merchant   (Puzzle from EinsteinJr)                   Thanks CPhill and Alan

2)  What is so special about Euler's number (e)                                Thanks CPhill and Melody

3)  Solving an inequality                                                                   Thanks DarkBlaze347

4)  Find height of water tank.                                                            Thanks Heureka

5)  What are binary numbers?                                                           Melody


                          ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 May 18, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Tues 19/5/15   Sydney, Australia Time   12:11am  (Wed really) ♪ ♫


Hi everyone,


Answer credits today go to:  Radix, Andrew1714, ShadowBolt04, MathsGod1, Heureka, Geno3141, Alan, DarkBlaze347, Zacismyname, CPhill, Kitty<3, Joro1144, Heureka, Callum and CowgirlAMS.  Thanks for all those great answers.    


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1)  Music Report by DGB4thebest.

             Dgb has been granted permision to do one music report each day.

             If no one spoils it, it should be fun.     Thanks Dbg :)

2)  Kitty joins the fun - Has Zegroes lost his g ...... Will he be in Sisyphus's boulder for ever???

3)  Where do square roots go with PEDMAS?         FTJ        Thanks Andrew1714 and Melody

4)  Comparing Fractions                                        FTJ         Thanks MathsGod1

5)  Finding height using similar figures                                 Thanks DarkBlaze347 and Zacismyname

6)  Estimating circumference                                 FTJ          Thanks Andrew1714, ShadowBolt04 and Melody

7)  A circular problem from Civonamzuk                                 Thanks CPhill, Alan and Heureka

8)  Find interior angle of a regular polygon.                              Thanks CPhill and Kitty<3


                          ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 May 19, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Wed 20/5/15   Sydney, Australia Time   12:30am  (Thurs really) ♪ ♫


Hi all, 


Great answers today from:  Alan, CPhill, Andrew1714, TheJamesMachine, Dbg4thebest, MathsGod1, DarkBlaze347, ShadowBolt04, Zacismyname, Heureka, GoldenLeaf, MathWitch and Badinage.  Thank you. 


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1)  Music report    thanks Dbg4thebest

2)  Number Puzzle - (thanks  Trincent)                                                 Thanks EinsterinJr   

3)  Last 2 digits of 5^2015                                                                   Thanks Radix and Melody

4)  How can you remember mean mode and median?                          Thanks MathsGod1 and anons

5)  Another circle special from Civonamzuk   (puzzle)                      Thanks anon

6)  A question regarding the forum (Thanks ShadowBolt04)                 Melody

7) Understanding polynomials and their roots                                       Thanks CPhill

8) Another polynomial question                                                            Thanks CPhill

9) Trig simultaneous equations                                                              Thanks Heureka and Melody

10) Given median, mean and restrictions, find range.       FTJ+             Melody

11) 2 taps filling a pool. Forget it, one tap is better.                           Thanks CPhill and Melody


                          ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 May 20, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Thurs 21/5/15   Sydney, Australia Time   10:30pm   ♪ ♫


Hi all,


Our diligent answerers today were CPhill, Dgb4thebest, Nauseated, Rosala, civonamzuk, thejamesmachine, DarkBlaze347, Radix, MathsGod1, Zacismyname and Heureka.  Thanks all  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1)  Music report3 presented by Dbg4thebest    

2)  What is best?  logic humour                             Thanks Anika121, CPhill and Dbg4thebest

3)  Fun with hemispheres                                      Thanks zacismyname, Melody, CPhill and Nauseated

4)  A little log manipulation                                    Melody

5)  A mystery to be solved by EinsteinJr                Thanks Chris

6)  Manipulating Trig                                              Melody

7)  Factoring - beware this is a very common error!   (middle high level)      Thanks CPhill

8)  Last 2 digits of 5^2015   (continued)                Thanks CPhill

9)  Another circle puzzle from Civonamzuk             Thanks Heureka

10) Difficult integration                                           Melody


                          ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 May 21, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Sun 24/5/15   Sydney, Australia Time   12:25am  (Really mon morn) ♪ ♫


Hi everyone,


My last wrap was 3 days ago, that is because the forum was down for nearly 2 days!  

There were major database problems and the whole forum went into read only mode.

Mr Massow had the system operational again yesterday.  Three of the databases were up and running and he was working on a 4th one when quite suddenly the system shut down again.  Anyway, it is working again now except that our point scores are all over the place.  Peoples scores have been fluctuating wildly all day.  Do not get too upset, you will most likely end up with your original score or a score that you are happy with.  It is probably just a problem with the data base.

This happened last time the system had a major overhaul (about 13 months ago) It continued for quite a while before it settled down.  I thought it was admin trying to work out the best scoring system.  Anyway, eventually everyone got used to haveing a different score every 5 minutes and people started seeing the funny side of it.  You should try not to put too much importance on your score anyway.  You are here to learn and to enjoy the environment.


Our incredibly intelligent answerers over these few days have been MathsGod1, Rosala, CPhill, Radix, Baneofwizard, DarkBlaze347, Thejamesmachine, Dbg4thebest, ProxyGOd, Civonamzuk, Zacismyname and Didig.  Thanks all    


I almost forgot - Rosala has now been with us for a whole year!   Happy member day Rosala!


If you would like to comment on site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1)  We are up and going again :)

2)  Our points are all over the place again.

3)  Rosala has been a member one year to the day!     Thank you for your moving tribute Rosala  

4)  It appears the forums official games is underway - Rosala seems to have it all under control 

5)                  team deciding

6)  Rationalising the denominator and the importance of brackets    Thanks Rosala, Zacismyname and Melody.

7)  Physics (weight on inclined plane)                                               not answered yet.   

8)  Another of Civonamzuk's circle specials                                  Impressive answer CPhill 

9)  And another from Civonamzuk                                                    Impressive again Chris 

10) Which digit will appear the least? (brainteaser from Thejamesmachine)   FTJ+     Thanks CPhill and Anon 

11)  Angle of Depression                                                                  Thanks Zacixmyname

12)  How many sides does the regular polygon have?                      Thanks CPhill and Melody


                          ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 May 24, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Mon 25/5/15   Sydney, Australia Time   1:50am  (Really Tues morn) ♪ ♫


Hi all,


Our stupendous answers today were presented by Zegroes, TitaniumRome, CPhill, Zegroes, MathsGod1, Thejamesmachine, Andrew1714, Didig, Mathcad, Zacismyname, Alan, Derrickid, Rosala, Awsomeee and Civonamzuk.  Thank you all   


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


1)  Music news report presented by Dgb4thebest                    Thank you.  

2)  Channel 21 News Report presented by Heather Feather.      Thank you

3)  Neat little questions from Mellie                                        Melody

4)  Physics, weight down an inclined plane (continues)             Thanks Alan

5)  Write 4^i in polar form                                                    Thanks Mathcad

6)  Averages and understanding a table                                 Thanks zacismyname

7)  Understanding logs                                                         Thanks Alan

8)  Simultaneous equations and graphing with GeoGebra        Thanks Zac

9)  How much will I have to pay back each month?                 Melody

10)  Differential Equation                                                       Not answered

11) Write a fraction as a percent      FTJ                                  Thanks Radix and Derrickid


                          ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 May 25, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Tues 26/5/15   Sydney, Australia Time   7:20pm     ♪ ♫


Hi everyone,


Geno3141 has found his way back onto the board,  I was looking for him everywhere!  He wasn't under the bed!  I don't know where he was hiding but I am thrilled that he is back again!      Welcome back Geno!!!

Plus, I'm writing this wrap at a respectable time tonight !!     Miracles DO happen!


Today our wonderful answers were provided by CPhill, Dbg4thebest, Civonamzuk, zacismyname, Alan, Awsomeee, Heureka, asinus and geno3141.   A very big thank you to each of you!


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


1)  Sigma notation for permutation question               Not answered yet

2)  A neat little equation                                           Thanks Alan      

3) Average speed     (middle high level)                     Thanks CPhill    

4) Factorizing quadratics with leading coeff >1            Thanks Zacismyname  

5) GeoGebra tools                                                    Thanks Zacismyname and Alan


                         ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 May 26, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Wed 27/5/15   Sydney, Australia Time   7:15pm     ♪ ♫


Hi everyone,


Our great answers today were provided by Heureka, Cphill, alan, Civonamzuk, Geno3141, Rosala, TitaniumRome, DarkBlaze347, Zacismyname, Brodudedoodebrodude, radix and thejamesmachine.  Thanks all. 


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1) Puzzle (planks across a moat) by Civonamzuk           Thanks CPhill

2) Puzzle (Find the odd ball out ) by Civonamzuk         

3) Convert neg base 10 to binary                                 Thanks Heureka

4) Direct and inverse variance                                      Thanks Alan, CPhill and Melody

5) Time to drain a cylinder  

6) Solve simultaneous equations by substitution          Thanks Alan and Brodudedoodebrodude

7) Finding factors           FTJ+                                       Thanks Thejamesmachine and anon

8) Time taken to drain a cylinder                                  Thanks Alan

9) powers and logs                                                       Thanks CPhill and Melody

10) 17*24 no calculator     FTJ                                      Thanks Alan, Geno3141 and CPhill

11) Depreciation                                                           Thanks Melody and Brodude  


                          ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 May 27, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Thurs 28/5/15   Sydney, Australia Time   11:15pm     ♪ ♫


Hi all,


Great answers today from MathsGod1, Heureka, Zacismyname, DarkBlaze347, Admin, Mathcad, Baneofwizard, DragonLance, CPhill, Chmaddie15, Raptor, Alan, TitaniumRome, HeatherF, Geno3141 and Marshmellowguy.  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1) Maths homework / help sites                                                        Thanks MathsGod1 and Melody

2) Homework site "Mathopolis" review **                                         Thanks MathsGod1   

3) Congratulations TitaniumRome        

4) Who knew there were so many ways to find cot*sec?               Thanks CPhill Geno and Heureka

5) Tricky trig limit                                                                              Thanks Alan 

6) Set notation                                                                                  Thanks Anon 

7) Given the average and 3 scores find the 3rd score      FTJ            Thanks Anon

8) Solving a trigonometric equation                                                   Thanks Mathcad and CPhill

9) surface area of a cone, and √                    Thanks DarkBlaze347, CPhill, DragonLance and Melody

10) Repeating decimals -what's the 4000th digit            FTJ               Thanks CPhill

11) Equating a log without a calc                                                        Thanks Geno3141

12) Find the equation of the circle                                                      Thanks CPhill and Heureka 

13) Simultaneous Equations with trig                                                Thanks Alan

14) Water down the drain (continued)                                               Thanks Alan

15) Vertices of a 5 point star                                                              Thanks CPhill

16) Continuous growth                                                                       Thanks CPhill


                          ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 May 28, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Fri 29/5/15   Sydney, Australia Time   11:07pm     ♪ ♫


Good day to you all,  


Our glorious answeres today were CPhill, Alan, Zacismyname, Thaejamesmachine, Dragonic, MathsGod1, Lunar, Geno3141, Mellie, DarkBlaze347, ShadowBolt04 and Heureka.  Thank you  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1) Why is there adverising beside the calculator?                      Melody

2) Music news report presented by Dbg4thebest                      Thank you   

3) A very neat logic puzzle for all ages                                      Thanks anon

4) Count the triangles puzzle for all ages                                  Thanks Civonamzuk and Lunar and MG1

5) Determine the number puzzle                                              Thanks Civonamzuk

6) Fourier Transform

7) Rates - Divide or multiply?                                                   Thanks thejamesmachine and Melody

8) Projectile motion                                                                  Thanks Alan and Melody

9) Trig Intergral     Advanced                                                   Thanks Alan

10) Line graph               FTJ+                                                   Thanks anon and CPhill

11) Convert base 8 to base 10                                                 Thanks CPhill

12) Rotating axes                                                                     Thanks Alan

13) Putting hyperbola in standard form                                    Melody

14) Converting polar equ to Cartesian                                     Thanks CPhill

          There are a whole stack of the polar / cartesian questions on page 1815,

          I have marked them with the ?  icon


                          ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 May 29, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Sat 30/5/15   Sydney, Australia Time   11:36pm     ♪ ♫


Good evening/day/morning     


Today our great answers were supplied by DarkBlaze347, DragonLance, CPhill, Thejamesmachine, MathsGod1, Heureka, Alan, asinus, MathsGod1 Civonamzuk and Josh4444.  Thank you  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts: 


FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1) Music news Report #7  presented by Dbg4thebest.                       Thank you Dbg  

2) An explanation of Stars and Bars probability technique                  Melody

3) Prime Factorization of 627                                            Thanks Thejamesmachine, CPhill and Alan

4) Converting a number to base 10   (there is a video clip)   FTJ+      Thanks CPhill and Melody

5) How does mass affect weight?                                                    Thanks MathsGod1 and Melody

6) What does 2x mean      FTJ                                                         Melody

7) Finding area of a quadrilateral - hard one                                     Thanks Heureka

8) Great tricky question                                                              Thanks CPhill, Alan and anon        


                        ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 May 30, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Sun 31/5/15   Sydney, Australia Time   7:46pm     ♪ ♫


Hi all,


Today, out brilliant answers were provided by Heureka, Nauseated, CPhill, Geno3141, Thejamesmachine, asinus, zegroes, Dbg4thebest, MathsGod1 and Zacismyname.   A great big thank you to each of you.   


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts: 


There were a lot of puzzle posts today 

1)  Finding area of a quadriateral - continued                         Thanks Heureka and Fiora

2)  Tricky algebra expansion question - continued         Thanks Heureka and CPhill, anon Alan and Nauseated.

3)  How many squares will there be?                                     Thanks CPhill and Heureka

4)  Cubic puzzle for all

5)  How to get 4L of water?     Puzzle question for all             Thanks CPhill

6)  How can you get the photographers across the river safely         Thanks CPhill

7)  Making sense of a frequency histogram  (good practice)     Thanks CPhill

8)  How much money was there ?                                         Thanks CPhill

9)  Dealing with indices                                                       Thanks Geno3141


                        ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 May 31, 2015



@@ End of Day Wrap   Mon 1/6/15   Sydney, Australia Time   3:41am    (Definitely Tuesday) ♪ ♫


A very good day to you all   


Today our illustrious answerers were Rosala, MathsGod1, Radix, DragonSlayer554, DragonLance, Nauseated, CPhill, Thejamesmachine, NinjaDevo, Bertie, Asinus, Radix, TitaniumRome, Geno3141, Alan and DarkBlaze347.

Thank you, you are all amazing  


This wrap is super late today and that is because I was in Central Sydney to see the Vivid.  This is a Lazer Light show that runs for about a week at this time each year.  

Here is the web address, it will give you an idea of what it was about.  The pictures on the buildings are all animated. It is quite brilliant.                   http://www.vividsydney.com/


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


1)  It is Never to Late to Laugh !!                                        Thanks Rosala

2)  Flying penguins!                                                           Thanks anon and Melody

3)  Number puzzle for everyone               

4)  Poisson Distribution?                                                     Thanks Alan 

5)  How can the photographers get kept safe?   Continued     Thanks, CPhill, anon and Bertie. 

6)  Pressure, temperature and volume  (advanced one)          Thanks Nauseated    

7)  Trig equation                                                                Thanks CPhill and Bertie    

8)  Finding the equation of a line.                                        Thanks NinjaDevo

9)  Function of a function question                                       Thanks CPhill

10) Remainder theorum with polynomials                             Thanks CPhill and Alan

11) A difficult integration question                                       Thanks CPhill and Alan


                          ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Jun 1, 2015



@@ End of Day Wrap   Tues 2/6/15   Sydney, Australia Time   12:40am    (Really Wed) ♪ ♫


Hi all,


Great answer today were supplied by Civonamzuk, DarkBlaze347, thejamesmachine, Alan, Radix, TitaniumRome, MathsGod1, Rom, zacismyname and CPhill.  Thanks all :)


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts


1)  Area question with segments                         Thanks Alan

2)  Find perimeter of composite figure.                Thanks CPhill

3)  Conversion between km and miles.                 Thanks Radix, Melody and thejamesmachine

4)  Limit                                                           Thanks Alan

5)  Partial cats                                    Thanks CPhill

6)  Dilating a triangle                                        Thanks CPhill and Melody

7)  Trig limit                                                     Thanks Alan

8)  Convert cartesian to polar form.                     Thanks CPhill

9)  Dizzy, frizzy, Lizzie the wombat keeper.           Melody


                          ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Jun 2, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Wed 3/6/15   Sydney, Australia Time   8:10pm   ♪ ♫


Hi everyone, it is great to be posting on the correct side of midnight for a change 


Today our fabulous answers were provided by Civonamzuk, Alan, Mathcad, Radix, thejamesmachine, NinjaDevo, DarkBlaze347, LilSavvyBih, Radix and Bertie.     Thanks all.   


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1)   How many trees needed for the arc                  Thanks Alan

2)   Finding the Nth term                                      Thanks Alan and Melody

3)   Compound interest                                         Melody

4)   How long wiill the projectile be air born?           Thanks Alan

5)   Basic probability                                             Melody

6)   Comparing marks    FTJ                                   Thanks NinjaDevo

7)   Find width of prism    FTJ                                Thanks NinjaDevo

8)   Find the area of a circumscribed circle               Thanks Alan

9)   Eliminations in a circle   (advanced)                  Thanks Bertie


                          ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Jun 3, 2015



@@ End of Day Wrap   Thurs 4/6/15   Sydney, Australia Time   1:05am  (Yes its really Friday)   ♪ ♫




Wonderful answers today from CPhill, Radix, Alan, DarkBlaze347, thejamesmachine, helper, mybfisbest, Brodudedoodebrodude and asinus.   Thank you  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts


FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1)  Eliminations in a circle continued   (advanced)                Thanks Bertie and Alan

2)  Difficult equation with pronumeral exponent.                  Thanks Alan

3)  Absolute value equation                                                Melody

4)  Order of opertions    FTJ                                                Melody

5)  Simultaneous Equations                                                Thanks DarkBlaze347

6) Subtraction in base 12   (More base question page 1834 and 1835)   Thanks CPhill and Melody

7) Geometry word Problem                                                 Thanks Alan

8) Form a Parametric Equation representing motion   (More on page 1836)    Thanks CPhill

9) Determine vertical asymptote                                         Thanks Brodudedoodebrodude

10) Convert from parmetric equ to cartesian equation   (More on page 1835)     Thanks CPhill


                         ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Jun 4, 2015


@@ End of Day Wrap   Fri 5/6/15   Sydney, Australia Time   11:55am   ♪ ♫


Hi all,


Our fabulous answerers today were Radix, asinus, Jerico,Alan, MathsGod1 and CPhill.  Thank you  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts: 


FTJ means For the Juniors  

1)  Non-linear simultaneous equations                      Melody      

2)  Polar and cartesian co-ordinates mix                   Thanks Alan

3)  Solve a quadratic by completing the square.        Thanks Alan

4)  Calculus,  find minimum area                              Thanks Alan and Melody

5)  Simultaneous equations.   Two circles                  Thanks Alan and CPhill

6) Order of operation       FTJ               Not answered - which child is going to answer it first     


                         ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Jun 5, 2015



@@ End of Day Wrap   Sat 6/6/15   Sydney, Australia Time   12:15am (yes, it is Sun morn   )   ♪ ♫


A good day to you all,


Today our great answers were provided by TitaniumRome, MathsGod1, CPhill, Awesomeee, Eloise1st, asinus, Alan, Civonamzuk, radix and steva.   Thanks everyone.   


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts


1)  Algebra Equation - A bit tricky                            Thanks asinus and Alan

2)  Co-ordinate geometry.                                       Thanks for that great answer Chris  

3)  Finding the vertex of a parabola                          Thanks Alan and Melody

4)  Finding numbers with a Ven diagram                  Thanks CPhill

5)  Graphing a log function                                       Thanks Alan and Melody

6)  Lets count elephants!                                         Thanks MathsGod1, Eloise1st and Melody

7)  More maths help sites to try    **                        Thanks Eloise1st


                        ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Jun 6, 2015



@@ End of Day Wrap   Sun 7/6/15   Sydney, Australia Time   1:35am (yes, it is Mon morn   )   ♪ ♫


Hello everyone,


Our wonderful answerers today were Dragonlance, Radix, CPhill, Alan, Eloise, MathsGod1, Will85237 and asinus.  Thank you   


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1)  Observation with Desmos calculator                       Thanks Dragonlance and Alan   

2)  Find maximum storage    advanced                        Thanks CPhill    

3)  Integer addition      FTJ                                         Thanks asinus and Melody  

4)  This looks interesting - take a look at the link          No answer yet

5)  Factoring in pairs                                                  Melody


                         ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Jun 7, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap  Mon 8/6/15   Sydney, Australia Time   5:50pm   ♪ ♫


Good afternoon / morning everyone,  

It is not often that I can leave out 'night', I am writing this wrap at a respectable time today.  


Great answers today from Geno3141, Eloise1st, CPhill, Dbg4thebest, Heureka, Alan and radix.  A big thank you to each of you  



If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts: 


1)  An unusual alternate base question.                        Melody

2)  Another very unusual base question                        Melody

3)  There are a lot of interesting different base questions on page 1843 AND 1844

         Most are Mellie specials and some have not been answered yet.  They are marked with "?" icons

4)  Strange equation     Advanced                               Not answered

5)  Using Golden ratio                                                Thanks Alan

6)  Proof                 Advanced                                     Not answered    


                         ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Jun 8, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap  Tues 9/6/15   Sydney, Australia Time   8:20pm   ♪ ♫


Hi everyone,


Today our esteemed answerers were Heureka CPhill, Radix, Alan, Asinus, Dragonlance, Raptor, Civonamzuk, MathsGod1 and Dbg4thebest.  Thank you all   


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts

FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1)  Solving a cubic equation                                      Thanks Heureka and Melody

2)  Write recurring dec base 3 as fraction base 10      Thanks CPhill and Melody

3)  Weird graph                                                       Thanks CPhill

4)  Golden Rectangle.                                              Thanks CPhill and Civonamzuk

5)  Equation                                                           Thanks asinus, Melody and Heureka

6)  Ratio                                                                Thanks CPhill and Heureka

7) sin^2(20)+sin^2(20)                                         Thanks Radix and Melody

8) What is pi                                                          Thanks Raptor and Civonamzuk


                         ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Jun 9, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap  Wed 10/6/15   Sydney, Australia Time   10:10pm   ♪ ♫


Good day to you all,  


Today, our ingenious answers were provided by Heureka, Dragonlance Eloise1st Radix, CPhill, MathsGod1, VlenkovAryguyta, Alan, TitaniumRome, Fiora, BrittanyJ, Geno3141 and Bertie.   Thanks you.


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts: 

FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1)  Expected time for the monkey to get it right                 Thanks Alan

2)  Pythagorean Theorem    FTJ +                                     Thanks Heureka

3)  Algebra Addition            FTJ +                                     Thanks Alan

4)  Tricky log question                                                      Not answered

5)  Order of operation (great for practice)   FTJ                   Anon and Melody

6)  Another order of operation      FTJ                                Thanks Geno

7)  Dealing with negative indices (middle high)                   Thanks Heureka

8)  Find percent increase    (middle high)                           Thanks Alan

9)  Counting question.                                                      Thanks CPhill and Heureka

10) Off    or   of     ?                                                         Thanks TitaniumRome and Melody

11) Proof using modulus arithmetic                                    Thanks Bertie   

12) Basic simultaneous equation.                                       Thanks Melody, Radix and Heureka 


                         ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Jun 10, 2015



@@ End of Day Wrap  Thurs 11/6/15   Sydney, Australia Time   12:30am  (Yes it is Fri)   ♪ ♫


Hi everyone,


Today our fabulous answers were provided by CPhill Badinage, Bertie, TitaniumRome, Headingnorth, Alan Heureka Radix and DarkBlaze347.   Thanks you  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts: 


FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1)  How to remember formulas                                 Thanks Badinage and Melody.

2)  Modulo arithemtic continued                                Thanks CPhill and Bertie.

3)  Algebraic Division                                                Thanks CPhill

4)  Tricky age question  Middle high students should try this one               Thanks CPhill

5)  Theory behind functions and curve sketching  (asymptotes and roots)       Thanks CPhill

6)  And another                                                         Thanks Melody, CPhill and Heureka

7)  And another one, asyptotes, x and y intercepts       Thanks CPhill and Heureka                       

8)  Implicit Differentiation                                          Thanks CPhill and Heureka

9)  Breaking force                                                      Thanks Alan

10) Another circle puzzle presented by Civonamzuk       Thanks CPhill

11) Average change in temperature    FTJ                   Melody


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 Jun 11, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap  Fri 12/6/15   Sydney, Australia Time   12:05am  (Yes it is Sat)   ♪ ♫


Good evening, (It is for me anyway  )


Today our brilliant mathematicians were Radix, Bertie, CPhill, ThisGuy Alan and worstsubjectmath.

(There you go worstsubjectmath, I bet you never thought you would ever be referred to a a 'brilliant mathematician'  )


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts


FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1) Experiment relating to Infinite Monkey Theorem.          Thanks LancelotLink

                     Yes LancelotLink has been monkeying around again!!

2) Modulo arithmetic continues to continue                   Thanks Heureka

3) Inscribed Golden Rectangles - Continued                     Thanks Heureka and CPhill

4) Finding the height of a cone                                        Thanks anon and Melody

5) Find the area of a triangle                                           Thanks CPhill

6) Biased and unbiased surveys                                       Melody

7) Max area of inscribed Kepler triangle                           Fiora and Heureka

8) Energy needed to heat water                                      Thanks Alan

9) Trig identity                                                               Melody

10) Another trig equation                                                Thanks CPhill and Melody

11) Find the wavelength of a beam of light                       Thanks Heureka and Melody

12) If the calc says infinity and you know it's no, what can you do?     Thanks Chris and Melody


                         ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Jun 12, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap  Sat 13/6/15   Sydney, Australia Time   2:20am  (Really Sunday)   ♪ ♫


Hello all,


Great answers from Alan, Heureka, Civonamzuk, Dragonlance, Eloise1st, DarkBlaze347 and Radix.  Thanks all. 


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts: 


FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1)  Trig equation continued (hard one)             Thanks Alan and Heureka 

2)  A temperature contraversy                         Thanks Alan, Civonamzuk and Dragonlance

3)  Finding a percentage  FTJ                           Thanks Alan anon and Melody.

4)  Age, squares and cubes                              Thanks anon

5)  Ellipse                                                       Thanks CPhill and Melody

6)  Find centre and radius of a circle                  Thanks Alan and Melody

7)  How many people must have everything?     Not answered 


                         ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Jun 13, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap  Mon 15/6/15   Sydney, Australia Time   7:05am   ♪ ♫


Hello everyone,


It has been a very quiet two days.  I am told that is because the U.S students are mostly on a long summer break. 


Anyway, there have still been lots of questions and our wondeful answerers were: CPhill, Civonamzuk, Alan Radix, Pyramid, Fiora, MathsGod1 and BrittanyJ.  Thank you all  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1) Perfect numbers                                                       Thanks CPhill

2) Order of operation     FTJ                                          Thanks anon

3) Arithmetic progression.  A little harder than ususal      Melody

4) Trig equations continued   (hard one)                        The most recent thank you to Heureka  


                         ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Jun 15, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap  Tues 16/6/15   Sydney, Australia Time   10:40pm   ♪ ♫


Hi all

Today our industrious answerers were Eloise, Heureka Radix, MathsGod1, CPhill, TitaniumRome and Civonamzuk.   Thanks all.  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts


FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1)  What is the minimum number of people?               Thanks Alan

2)  Product of two vectors in polar form                      Thanks Alan and Bertie

3)  Fractional and negative indices                              Thanks Radix and Melody

4)  Simultaneous equations  Basic one for practice       Thanks Pyramid

5)  Close estimation for a huge number                       Melody

6)  Graphing translation                                             Thanks CPhill

7)  Fraction division     FTJ+                                       Thanks CPhill

8)  Equations with indicies                                          Thanks CPhill

9)  Hyperbola question 1                                            Thanks Melody and Heureka

10) Hyperbola question 2                                           Thanks Melody and Heureka


                         ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Jun 16, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap  Wed 17/6/15   Sydney, Australia Time   7:05pm   ♪ ♫


Hello everyone 


It has been a very quiet Wednesday, but there has been some good questions and these were answered by Civonamzuk, Radix, Alan Heureka, Syllogist, MathsGod1 and DarkBlaze347.  A big thank you to each of you.  


I just remembered. Some people are experiencing a  survey pop-up that relates to this site.  The owner of this site knows nothing about this.  It is NOT genuine. I advise you NOT TO click into it!

Thank you MathsGod1 for bringing this to my attention. 


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts


FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1)  What is an inverse - GeoGebra and WolframAlpha links.    Thanks Radix 

2)  Which is cheaper?      FTJ+                                              Thanks Syllogist

3)  Simultaneous equations    Substitution method                 Thanks Heureka

4)  Can we tell if a triangle is right angled?                            Thanks CPhill

5)  3D pythagoras.   Something for juniors to think about.      Thanks CPhill

6)  Backward Euler's Method                Advanced                   Thanks Alan


                         ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Jun 17, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap  Thurs 18/6/15   Sydney, Australia Time   1:30am (really Fri)  ♪ ♫


Hi everyone,


Great answers were given today by Civonamzuk, CPhill, Radix, Alan, Mathcad, DarkBlaze347, Syllogist, Heureka and  MathsGod1.  Thanks everyone 


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts


FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1)  Worded Simultaneous Equation          Thanks Alan

2)  Recursive function                             Thanks anon and Alan

3)  How can i remember formulas            Thanks Alan and Melody

4)  Equation solving with exponents         Thanks Alan

5)  Equation - hard year 10 level              Thanks CPhill

6)  Logic with rates     FTJ+                     Thanks CPhill          

7)  Find the height of a triangle                Thanks anon and CPhill                 

8)  Arithmetic sequence                          Thanks CPhill and Heureka

9)  Simplifying indices                             Thanks Heureka       

10) Functions and imaginary numbers       Thanks Alan and Heureka

11) Integration                                        Thanks Melody and Heureka

12) Subtraction using complements           Thanks Alan      (this is easy but really weird)

13) Indices question (very unusual)           Melody


                         ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Jun 18, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap  Fri 19/6/15   Sydney, Australia Time   9:35pm     ♪ ♫


Hi all,


It was very quiet until a short time ago when some fun hard ones came along.  Anyway, there were some really good questions and answers.  Today our honorable answerers were CPhill, Civonamzuk, Syllogist, Headingnorth, Alan, Radix and Heureka.  Thanks all  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts


FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1) How to calculate square root by hand?            Thanks CPhill and Civonamzuk.

2) Continuous Time Markov Chain                        Thanks Alan      

3) Irrational no. * rational no. = ?                        Thanks CPhill, Headingnorth and Alan        

4) Gradient of a line through 2 points                   Thanks CPhill and heureka 

5) Angles on parallel lines  Z , C , and F                Thanks anon and Melody

6) Puzzle       FTJ                                                Thanks anon and Melody

7) Equation - 2 quite different solutions               Thanks anon and Melody

8) Equation to solve - good practice.                    Thanks Heureka

9) Ratio problem                                                Thanks Alan

10) Will the pilot get home?                                Thanks CPhill and Melody

11) Inverse trig integral                                     Thanks Syllogist and Melody

12) Difficult quadratic equation                           Thanks Syllogist, Heureka and Melody


                         ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Jun 19, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap  Sat 20/6/15   Sydney, Australia Time   11:58pm     ♪ ♫


Hello everyone  


Our wonderful answers were provided by Syllogist, HeatherF, MathsGod1, DarkBlaze347, CPhill,  Zacismyname, radix, Sir-Emo-Chappington, Heureka and Alan.  Thank you.  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts


1) Ratio Problem Continued               Thanks Alan, CPhill and Civonamzuk

2) Trig integration Continued             Thanks Syllogist, Melody. CPhill, Alan and Heureka

3) Trig integration2 Continued            Thanks Heureka and Melody

4) Difficult fraction equation               Thanks Radix, Melody Alan

5) Statistics - Confidence interval       Thanks Alan


                        ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Jun 20, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap  Sun 21/6/15   Sydney, Australia Time   10:25pm     ♪ ♫


Hi all,


Today our esteemed answerers were Radix, Syllogist, CPhill, Sir-Emo-Chappington and Alan.  Thank you 


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts


FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1)  Interactive practice page for gradient      FTJ               Thanks Radix

2)  Interactive practice for number plane coordinates        Thanks Radix

3)  Stacks of bricks          FTJ                                          Thanks Sir-Emo-Chappington

4)  Calculus - Find maximum volume                               Melody

5)  Why is one answer discarded?                                   Melody

6)  Inequality and a new graphing program                     Thanks Sir-Emo-Chappington and Melody

7)  Simplifying horrible algebraic fractions                       Melody

8)  Multiple Choice - order of operation  LOL                    Thanks Sir-Emo-Chappington, Alan and Melody

9)  Trig equations in polar form                                  Thanks Melody and Alan


                        ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Jun 21, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap  Mon 22/6/15   Sydney, Australia Time   8:45pm     ♪ ♫


Hi everyone,


Our illustrious answerers of the day were Sir-Emo-Chappington, CPhill, TitaniumRome, Alan and Radix. Thank you 


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts


FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1)  Basic 2 step equation    FTJ                              Melody

2)  Base 10 to base 16                                          Thanks Melody and Sir-Emo-Chappington

3)  Interpreting stem and leaf plot                         Thanks Sir-Emo-Chappington

4)  Stats proof                                                      Thanks Brodude...

5)  A difficult limit                                                 Thanks Alan 

6)  Trigonometry equation                                     Thanks CPhill and Melody

7)  Order of operation        FTJ+                            Melody

8)  Counter proof - by example                              Thanks Alan

9)  GP and simultaneous equation                          Thank Alan


                        ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Jun 22, 2015


@@ End of Day Wrap  Tues 23/6/15   Sydney, Australia Time   12:40am   (Yes it is Wed)  ♪ ♫


Hi all, 

Today our great answers were provided by Radix, Nauseated, Alan, Geno3141, Heureka, Mellie, MathsGod1, TitaniumRome, Eloise, Sir-Emo-Chappington, BrittanyJ and DarkBlaze347.  Thank you  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts


There were too many good questions to list them all seperately, I have put a "?" icon in the left margin of the choice questions.   (Some are listed individually as well)   

 FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1)  Page 1877 - Lots of great questions posted by Mellie

2)  Page 1878 - More great questions - Some are Calculus

3)  How old am I ?      FTJ                                         Thanks MathsGod1 and TitaniumRome  

4)  A difficult limit  Continued                                    Thanks Alan

5)  Tricky multiple problem      (A Mellie special)         Melody

6)  Sum of reciprocals   (A Mellie special)                   Thanks Alan

7) Hard trig integrals                                                Thanks Melody, Alan and Heureka

8) Second hard trig integral                                      Thanks Alan

9) Functions and algebraic GCD                                 Thanks Alan

10) Find one trig ratio when given another.                Thanks Alan

11) Trig expressions                                                Thanks Alan 

12) Remainders when dividing by 11       FTJ+           Thanks Heureka

13) Quadratic with substitutions (or maybe not)         Thanks Heureka and Sir-Emo-Chappington


                        ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Jun 23, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap  Thurs 25/6/15   Sydney, Australia Time   10:45pm  ♪ ♫


Hi everyone,


Our answer tributes for the past two days are bestowed on: Heureka, MathsGod1, Radix, Sir-Emo-Chappington, Nauseated, DarkBlaze347, Civoamzuk, Alan Anonymous4338, Hades, AydenSchnabel, TitaniumRome, Fiora and asinus.   Thank you  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts: 


FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1)  Unanswered questions  (just a couple)  

2)  Understanding number factors         Good for most students         Thanks Sir-Emo-Chappington        

3)  Infinite function notation                                                            Thanks Alan 

4)  Distance between the clock hands                                              Thanks Civonamzuk

5)  How many pennies can fit in the jar?                                          Thanks Sir-Emo-Chappington

6)  Triangle problem     (from Fiora)                                                Very impressive Heureka  

7)  Triangle problem2    (Fiora)                                                       Thanks Heureka

8)  Calculus speed question  (looks interesting)                                Thanks Alan and Sir-Emo-Chappington

9)  E=mc^2                                                                                   Thanks Alan


                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Jun 25, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap  Sun 28/6/15   Sydney, Australia Time   2:20pm  ♪ ♫


Hi everyone,


The last couple of days have been very quiet, but no matter how few or how many questions are posted there are always some amazing people ready to lend a hand.   This time those people were Bertie, Alan, Heureka, Radix, Fiora, Asinus, Sir-Emo-Chappington, Rosala, CPhill, TitaniumRome, MathsGod1, CaptainMan and DarkBlaze314.   Thank you all  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts: 


1) TitaniumRome's maths challenge      

2) Time and speed.                                                                    Thanks CPhill 

3) Common divisor for 2 consecutive terms (continued)                Thanks CPhill and Bertie.

4) Composite functions                                                              Thanks CPhill

5) Solving equations with absolute values                                    Melody

6) Euler's Totient Function                                                          Thanks Heureka           


                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Jun 28, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap  Tues 30/6/15   Sydney, Australia Time   10:45pm  ♪ ♫


Hi all,


This time our illustrious answerers were Squareroot, Alan, Mellie, CPhill, Sir-Emo-Chappington, Anonymous4338, Radix, Zacismyname, TitaniumRome, Rosala and Nauseated.  Thanks all  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1)  Funny pic       I liked it anyway                       Thanks Awsomeee

2)  Forum Fun                                           Thanks Rosala, CaptainMan, Queen Guinevere and Morgan Tud.

3)  Negative indices and some serious business. lol    Thanks Rosala

4)  Car economy                                                     Thanks Sir-Emo-Chappington 

5)  20^20-2^19                                                      Thanks CPhill and Sir-Emo...

6)  When are Farenheight and Celcius equal ?            Thanks CPhill

7)  Finding lowest common multiple    FTJ+               Thanks Anonymous4338 and Melody

8)  Goldbach's Conjecture                                        Thanks CPhill 

9)  Gambling odds for Keno                                      Thanks Nauseated and Melody 

10) Find integer solutions  (A Mellie special)               Thanks CPhill

11) Page 1891 has many great questions asked by Mellie.  I think most are only half answered.  

12) Totient function     Continued                             Thanks CPhill and Heureka

13) An old prob question.

          Really nice comment from SquareRoot for Nauseated and Bertie. Thanks Squareroot      


                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Jun 30, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap  Wed 1/7/15   Sydney, Australia Time   6:00pm  ♪ ♫


Hi all,

Our great answers today were provided by CPhill, Fiora, Zacismyname, TitaniumRome, Sir-Emo-Chappington, Rosala, KidDanger and Alan.  Thank you  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1) Using algebra to solve a simple problem                      Thanks CPhill

2) A challenging square root problem for middle high       Thanks CPhill

3) Partial Fractions   (Advanced)                                    Thanks CPhill

4) Complementary and Supplementary angles.                Thanks Melody and CPhill

5) Binary addition                                                          Thanks Radix

6) Factoring                                                                  Thanks CPhill

7) Substitution and undefined points   FTJ+                     Thanks Rosala and CPhill

8) Plotting points and area of a parallelogram                  Thanks CPhill and Melody.


                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Jul 1, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap  Thurs 2/7/15   Sydney, Australia Time   9:20pm  ♪ ♫


Good evening,     


Today our exceptional answers were provided by Sir-Emo-Chappington CPhill, Alan Radix, WizBoy, Mellie, Heureka, Oscarcampos02, MathsGod1 and TitaniumRome.   Thank you  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1) Lowest possible score - averages and rounding         Thanks Sir-Emo-Chappington, CPhill and Melody

2) Keno (continued)                                                    Thanks Melody and Nauseated

3) Trig simplification                                                    Another masterpeice by Heureka :)

4) Building a trig graph                                                Melody

5) Effect of temperature on a grandfather clock.            Thanks Alan   

Mellie Specials:  These and others are on page 1895 approx.

6) Diophantine Equation - Modular arithmetic                Thanks CPhill and Melody

7) How many trailing zeros?                                         Thanks CPhill and Melody

8) How many powers of 7 can 500! be divided by?         Thanks CPhill

9) What is the greatest common divisor of a and b given that 1+b=1001      Thanks CPhill

10) Another factor problem                                          Thanks CPhill


                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Jul 2, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap  Fri 3/7/15   Sydney, Australia Time   11:55pm  ♪ ♫


Hi all,


Today our estemed answerers were Heureka, KidDanger, Alan, DarkBlaze347, CPhill, TitaniumRome and Radix.

Thanks all  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


1) Diaphantine equation                                              Thanks Chris and Heureka

2) Money on Enigma                                                   Thanks CPhill anon and Melody

                   (Everyone could get something out of this - even our young students)

3) Using Difference of two squares to solve a problem   Thanks CPhill

4) Equation soln from words                                        Thanks CPhill, anon and Heureka

5) Circle inscribed in triangle - find height.                    Thanks CPhill and Heureka

6) Simultaneous Equations                                          Thanks Alan and Heureka


                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Jul 3, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap  Sat 4/7/15   Sydney, Australia Time   11:57pm  ♪ ♫


Hi all,


Great answers today from TitaniumRome, Radix, CPhill, Fiora and Civoamzuk.  Thank you 


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


1) Number puzzle                                            Thanks anon

2) Geometry and the circle                               Thanks CPhill

3) Triangle geometry     (Hard one)       Thanks CPhill, Fiora, Civonamzuk and Melody


                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪  ♪ ♫

 Jul 4, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap  Sun 5/7/15   Sydney, Australia Time   11:45pm  ♪ ♫


Hi everyone,


Today our wonderful answerers were Alan, MathsGod1 Eloise1st, CiciPurple, CPhill, Radix, Badinage and Fiora.  Thank you  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


1) Happy Birthday DBG    

2) American Independance Day (4th July)                        Thanks TitaniumRome


                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪ 

 Jul 5, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap  Sat 11/7/15   Sydney, Australia Time   11:45pm  ♪ ♫


Hi everyone,


This is my first wrap for 6 days, I am not sure if anyone cared, the forum has been very quiet and I do understand that everyone has there own take on which questions are interesting and I know most people are only interested in their own question.  

I do like to give answerers credit for all their effort though and I know some people do appreciate seeing their name mentioned in here.  


Anyway for these 6 days our much appreciated answerers have been Sir-Emo-Chappington, CPhill, Alan, Geno3141, Heureka, MathsGod1, Radix, Panda298, TitaniumRome, Shaniab29544, Fiora, Badinage, Xavierbester, Rubii and Dbg4thebest.   Thanks guys     (that includes the girls) 


If you would like to comment on any site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


1)  Music Report                                                                             Thanks Dbg4thebest

2)  If you fold a peice of paper 51 times could its reach the sun?        Thanks Geno

3)  Solids Formula: vertices+faces-edges=2                                     Thanks Geno and Alan

4)  Simultaneous Equation                                                              Thanks Chris, Geno and Alan

5)  Solve simultaneous equations with matrices                                Thanks Alan

6)  How much shade will the lean to provide?                                   Thanks Anon and Heureka

7)  A demonstration of calculator rounding error                               Thanks Alan

8)  Understanding indices                                                        Thanks Heureka and Sir-Emo-Chappington

9)  Recursive definition of sequence                                                Thanks Heureka

10) *Diophantine simultaneous equations  (Mellie Special )        Thanks Melody, CPhill, Alan and Heureka

11) *How do multiples work - find the one that's described   (Dabae specials)   Thanks Geno3141

12) *Another on as above     (Dabae specials)                                  Thanks CPhill

13) *And another      (Dabae specials)                                             Thanks CPhill

Actually there is a lot of these questions.  So I put a "?" icon next to them and direct you to the page.(1903)

14) *Number Theory questions presented by Dabae and Mellie          Thanks also to Heureka


                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪ 

 Jul 11, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap  Sun 12/7/15   Sydney, Australia Time   8:25pm  ♪ ♫


Hi everyone,


It was another quiet day but there were still some good questions and our answerers were keen to help :)

Today answer credits go to TitaniumRome, CPhill, Geno3141, Radix and Alan.  Thank you :)


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


1) Maths humour.  You should like this one MathsGod1                     Thanks Dragonlance and Melody 

2) Percent estimator         Practice applet for students                      Thanks Radix

3) Inverse function                                                                         Melody 

4) Algebra and trapezium questions  (Maybe I did it the hard way?)   Melody 


                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪ 

 Jul 12, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap    Tues 14/7/15     Sydney, Australia Time   11:20pm   ♪ ♫


Hi all,


Over the past 2 days our forum users have been enlightened by Radix, Geno3141, TitaniumRome, Alan, Heureka, Sir-Emo-Chappington, asinus and fiora.  Our question askers are very fortunate to have such fine minds available to them.  Thank you.


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


1) Alternate ways to solve a quadratic equation                 Thanks Alan and Melody

2) Algebra and Trapezium question  (continued)                Thanks Melody and Heureka

3) Using logs to solve for powers                                       Thanks Sir-Emo-Chappington, Alan and Heureka

4) Strain ratio                                                                  Thanks Alan and Geno3141

5) Speed time and distance   (Dabae question)                  Thanks Fiora

6) There are a lot of great questions from Debae and Mellie on page 1911

          Mellie's questions are mostly/all   modulo questions.  

          There was at least one not answered yet. :/



                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪ 

 Jul 14, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap    Wed 15/7/15     Sydney, Australia Time   11:20pm   ♪ ♫


Hi to all those who are still  in attedance. :)


Great answers were presented today by Alan, Heureka, Geno3141, TitaniumRome and HeatherF.  Thank you :)


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


1) Modular arithemtic (repeat Mellie question pg 1911)                Thanks Heureka 

2) Worded trig problem                                                             Thanks Heureka 


                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪ 

 Jul 15, 2015


@@ End of Day Wrap    Thurs 16/7/15     Sydney, Australia Time   7:05pm   ♪ ♫


Hi everyone,


Today our esteemed answerers were Heureka, Alan, CPhill, Geno3141, Radix, Bertie and Dabae. Thank you.  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:

FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1) Speed and time     Geno's question                                   Thanks Alan

2) Equation, what can the variables NOT be?                Thanks Alan and Melody 

3) Real numbers, imaginary numbers, what is next?              Thanks Heureka

4) Gear ratio                                                                        Not answered

5) eggs day and chickens   FTJ+     (Dabae question)              Thanks Geno3141

6) Easy simultaneaous equations   FTJ+    (Dabae question)    Thanks Geno3141

   There are other interesting worded questions presented by Dabae on page 1916


                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪ 

 Jul 16, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Sat 25/7/15     Sydney, Australia Time   7:25pm   ♪ ♫




It was caused by the war of the popcorn!    TitaniumRome said that there was a truce but HE broke our forum!  His was the last post and it was sitting at the front of the queue for 8 days so that we could all see is mischeif!


NOT really, I am only having some fun with you TR (or is that Tin :)   

NO, the forum was really down because of technical difficulties.   


It does however, seem that there will be more disruptions in the coming days/weeks.

Admin, Mr. Massow, has posted this announcement.  


Thank you Mr. Massow for providing this great forum for us and thank you for letting us know that there will be more disruptions.  It is always good to know what is going on.  


Prior to the the forum being down there were some great answers from Alan, Geno3141, Radix, DarkBlaze347, CPhill, Heureka and Fiora.  Thank you  

Today, there have been more great answers from Dragonlance, Geno3141, Eloise1st, Markjarv, Heureka and Alan.  Thanks  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


1) Multiple plots from a single equation.               Thanks Alan and Melody 

2) What is the bullets range?                               Melody 

3) Diophantine equation from Mellie, not super difficult this time.  Melody


                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪ 

 Jul 25, 2015

 @@ End of Day Wrap   Wed 29/7/15     Sydney, Australia Time   12:31pm  

(Yes it is Thursday already   )


Hi all,


It has been very quiet, this is the first wrap since last Saturday.    

Our wonderful answerers have been Alan, CPhill, TitaniumRome, Heureka, Geno3141 and Biotomic121.  Thank you.   


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:

FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1) Vectors, resolving forces at a point.                                Thanks Alan  

2) Simulteous equations with arithemetic progressions         Thanks Alan and Heureka 

3) A stack of dollar bills                                                  Thanks CPhill and Melody     

4) Population growth rate                                                   Thanks Alan              

5) Radioactive decay                                                          Great answers from Alan and Heureka  

6) Difficult algebra simplification                                          Thanks Heureka and Melody    

7) Great indices simplification                                              Thanks Heureka

8) Dabae has asked many good questions on page 1922 and 1923.       FTJ +

I have put a  "?"  icon in the left margin to identify these great questions.  

They are great thinking questions, some are hard but the level of maths needed is only just above primary school.  They would be great puzzles questions for our younger lovers of mathematics that I know we have here.    Thanks for contributing these questions Dabae.   


                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪ 

 Jul 29, 2015


 @@ End of Day Wrap   Fri 31/7/15     Sydney, Australia Time   2:12am   (really Sat)  ♪ ♫


Hi everyone,


Our wonderful answerers have been Alan, CPhill, TitaniumRome, Heureka, Headingnorth, Biotomic121, Radix and Geno3141.  Thank you.  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1) Titanium Rome has declared this one the newest social thread     FTJ    

2) What is 20!            FTJ                                                                       Melody                                        

3) Statisticshowto.com                                                                            Melody 

4) Nth term of a series       tricky one                                                       Thanks Heureka        

5) Annuity (Growth of regular savings in a bank)                                       Thanks Melody and Alan.

6) A bearings problem                                                                             Thanks Alan.

7) Unusual speed question                                                                       Melody

8) Mellie has asked a stack of great modulo arithemetic questions on the last page.  

I guess it will become page  1927  I will add the page address when it becomes available.


                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪ 

 Jul 31, 2015

 @@ End of Day Wrap   Sat 1/8/15     Sydney, Australia Time   10:42pm  ♪ ♫


Hi all,

It was quite but it always amazes me how busy I am on a quiet day 

Anyway there were some great answers from CPhill, Alan and EinsteinJr.  Thank you.  I hope I didn't miss anyone.


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


1)  Octogonal problem                              Thanks CPhill

2)  Solving a fractional inequality               Melody.

3)  Given Cos, find tan                               Thanks Alan


                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪ 

 Aug 1, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Sun 2/8/15     Sydney, Australia Time   11:05pm  ♪ ♫


Hi everyone,


It has been quiet and I don't suppose there are not too many people about to notice that this wrap has even be written but there have been some great answers from CPhill, Nauseated, Radix and Heureka and I do want to thank you.  


I am told that the U.S. students are starting back at school after their summer break so the forum should be getting busier soon.  Too bad I like it quiet but even I know there are some distict advantages when it is busier.  The social posts are better just for starters. :)  TitianiumRome has had to hold up the social posting almost entirely by himself and a great job you have done of it too TR.  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


1) Convert Base 10 with decimal places to base 8        Melody

2) Simultaneous equation                                          Thanks anon            


                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪ 

 Aug 2, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap  Mon 3/8/15     Sydney, Australia Time   11:09pm  ♪ ♫


Hi all,

Our wonderful answer were provided by Geno3141, Jillybean, Radix and Heureka.  Thank you.


A great big Happy birthday to Jillybean  Enjoy the rest of your day   


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


1) Factorization    Good for middle high                          Thanks Geno3141.

2) Difficult factor question                                             Thanks Heureka    


                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪ 

 Aug 3, 2015


@@ End of Day Wrap  Wed 5/8/15     Sydney, Australia Time   12:18am  (Yes it is Thursday) ♪ ♫


Hi all,


There have been fabulous answers from Heureka, CPhill, Dragonlance, Royal Titanium aka TR, Geno3141, Biotomic121 and Dritil.  Thanks you.  


If you would like to comment on any site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:

FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1) Using the web2.0calc to solve equations       Thanks Melody and Heureka

2) Solving polynomial inequalities with graphing     Thanks Melody and CPhill

3) Unusual inequality                                            Thanks Melody and CPhill

4) Trig equation                                                    Thanks Heureka

5) By how much will Robert win the race?               Thanks Melody and CPhill

6) logic problem                                                   Thanks CPhill

7) Sequences and series - heaps of good questions  presented by Dabae.   Thanks Chris and Heureka



                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪ 

 Aug 5, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap  Thurs 6/8/15     Sydney, Australia Time   9:40pm    ♪ ♫


Hi all,

Today our fabulous answers were delivered by Heureka, CPhill, MaiaMitchel, Rubenhh and RoyalTitanium.  Thank you    


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


1) Number Puzzle                                                    No answer

2) Ratio question                                                    Thanks CPhill and Heureka

3) Inequalities with holes                                         Melody

4) Max and min with absolute value in the equation.  Thanks CPhill and Heureka.


                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪ 

 Aug 6, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap  Sat 8/8/15     Sydney, Australia Time   8:42pm    ♪ ♫


Hi everyone,

We have had some terrific answers from TitaniumRomew, Rubenhh, Geno3141, CPhill, Alan Heureka, And Dragonlance.  Thank you  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


1) Why is it so?    (for everyone)            Thanks Geno3141 and Dragonlance.

2) Logarithm base 9                              Thanks Melody and Heureka

3) Making the denominator real              Melody

4) Understanding remainders                  Thanks Heureka

5) How many ways can it be done?          Melody.


                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                                 ♫♪ 

 Aug 8, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap  Mon 10/8/15     Sydney, Australia Time   8:40pm    ♪ ♫


Good evening all,


Our iillustrious answerers are Dbg4thebest, Geno3141, Rubenhh, Alan, Heureka, CPhill, jdh3010 and ShimmyCocopang.  Thanks all.  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:

FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1) Volume problem                                   Melody

2) Fractional indices                                  Melody and anon  

3) How tall is the fountain?                       Thanks Alan and Heureka

4) Complex numbers - roots                      Thanks Melody and Alan

5) X^2=i                                                 Thanks Heureka

6) Converting binary to hexidecimal           Melody

7) Tan 270                                              Thanks Gino3141 and Melody

8) X^X=2  Newton-Raphson method          Thanks Alan

9) A graph that is NOT a function  FTJ+     Thanks jdh3101 and Melody. 

10) Logic problem with percents                Thanks Heureka


                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫ 

 Aug 10, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap  Tues 11/8/15     Sydney, Australia Time   11:46pm    ♪ ♫


Hi everyone,

Some students must be back aty school, the forum seems a little busier.  We has some great answers today from Geno3141, Alan, jdh3010, Heureka, Parke, ShimmyCocopang and TitaniumRome.  Thanks  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


1) Music News Report No9                              Presented by Dbg4thebest   

2) Min and max of x                                       Thanks Alan

3) Difference of two angles tan identity            Thanks Heureka 

4) Mach# as a measure of speed                     Thanks Alan and jdh3010 


                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫ 

 Aug 11, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap    Wed 12/8/15     Sydney, Australia Time   8:50pm    ♪ ♫


Hi everyone,


Our fabulous answers were contributed by CPhill, Heureka, Rubenhh, Alan, jdh3010, Dbg4thebest, luigiboi, Shaniab29544 and  Geno3141.  Thankyou   


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


1) Equations with square roots          Thanks Alan and Heureka

2) System of equations                     Thanks Geno3141

3) Functions verses non-functions      Thanks CPhill


                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫ 

 Aug 12, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap    Thurs 13/8/15     Sydney, Australia Time   12:26am      ♪ ♫

Yes it is Friday for me

Hi all forumites  

Our terrific answers were supplied by Alan, CPhill, jdh3010, Geno3141, Dbg4thebest, Radix, Dukemort, Rubenhh, Dragonlance and Heureka. Thank you, you are all wonderful.    


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:

FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1) Calculating large powers                                  Melody

2) Unusual ratio question                                     Thanks Alan

3) Power and Energy                                           Thanks Alan and Heureka

4) Sum of integers                                              Thanks CPhill and Heureka

5) (3x+2)^0                                                       Thanks anon and Alan

6) Absolute value        FTJ                                    Thanks CPhill

7) Matching socks        FTJ                                   Thanks Melody and CPhill


                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫ 

 Aug 13, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap    Sat 15/8/15     Sydney, Australia Time   1:30am      ♪ ♫   

 Yes it is Sunday     

Hello everyone 


Our diligent answerers have been Alan, Geno3141, CPhill, jdh3010, Heureka, Knk98, Rubenhh and Dragonlance.  Thank you for all your great answers  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


1) Social post         TitaniumRome, Rosala, SevenUp, Nauseated, Dragonlance, CPhill and others :) 

2) India's Independance day                             Thanks Rosala   

3) Why is the set of all sets a paradox?              Thanks Geno3141

4) Finding the asyptotes of a hyperbola              Thanks Geno3141 

5) Newton-Raphson method for estimating roots Thanks Alan

6) Fraction and Algebra question                        Thanks Alan Melody and CPhill


                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫ 

 Aug 15, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap    Sun 16/8/15     Sydney, Australia Time   11:40pm      ♪ ♫   


Good day to you all,   


Our great answers today were delivered by Alan, CPhill, Heureka and Dragonlance.  Thank you   


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


1) Unusual equation - Finding an indice (Advanced)                  Thanks CPhill and Alan   

2) Code Puzzle                                                                       Thanks CPhill and anon

3) Interesting Index equation                                                  Thanks Geno3141, Alan and Melody 

4) Cool Cipher                                                                        Thanks Heureka

5) Electricity. (Not sure if I included it before:/  )                      Thanks Heureka and Alan


                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫ 

 Aug 16, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap    Mon 17/8/15     Sydney, Australia Time   12:15am       ♪ ♫   

(Yes it is Tuesday already  )

Hello everyone,

Well our great answers were delivered by TitaniumRome, Alan, Radix, Heureka, Rubenhh, CPhill and jdh3010.    Thanks guys     


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


1) Just one of the social posts :)         To many to name. Thanks MG for getting it underway 

2)  Perfect square                               Melody

3) The n'th derivative of 10^-x            Thanks CPhill and Heureka

4) Exponential growth.                        Thanks CPhill

5) Understanding quadratic algebra      Thanks Alan and Melody.

6) There are also a number of fractional logic problems on the latest page.  Page 1956.

Some of these problems are difficult.  Heureka, Alan and Radiz have given some great answers Thanks 

I have marked them with a " ? " in the left hand margin.


                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫ 

 Aug 17, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap    Tues 18/8/15     Sydney, Australia Time   7:06pm       ♪ ♫   


Hello all,


Considering how hectic it was on Sunday it has been very quiet since.  I suppose the homework has not started in earnest in the US yet :/

Anyway we still had some really good answers from Geno3141, Cphill, Heureka, MathsGod1 and Rubenhh.  Thank you  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:

FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1) Number puzzle                                           Thanks Heureka 

2) Finding smallest common multiple   FTJ+      Thanks Geno3141

3) Find the altitude    FTJ                                Thanks CPhill

4) Polynomial Division                                    Thanks CPhill


                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫ 

 Aug 18, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap    Wed 19/8/15     Sydney, Australia Time   7:18pm       ♪ ♫   


Hi all,

Today our great answers were delivered by Geno3141, TitaniumRome, Knk98, Dragonlance, Heureka, Alan, Filipebohorquez, Radix and CPhill.  Thank you  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


1) Dividing polynomials cont.  Into to Horner's Method.   Thanks Heureka

2) Finding the function from a set of points when its not linear    Thanks Geno 

3) atan2 (4,3)       (What does it mean?)                                  Thanks Heureka and Alan 

4) Geometric Mean                                                                 Thanks Dragonlance

5) Difficult trig simplification                                                    Thanks Heureka

6) Programing Question                                                          Thanks Heureka


                      ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫ 

 Aug 19, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap    Thurs 20/8/15     Sydney, Australia Time   12:22pm       ♪ ♫   

Yes it is Friday already  

Hi all,

Our fabulous answers were delivered by Radix, Heureka, Geno3141, Alan, Asinus and MathsGod1. Thank you 


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


1) Puzzle time                         FTJ+                                                      Thanks MathsGod1

2) Using algebra to simplify a numeric expression.    Really Cool           Thanks Heureka

3) Why is -3^2 = -9  NOT +9 ?                                                              Thanks Alan and Melody

4) Great trig, bearings and speed, question and answer                           Thanks Heureka and Melody

5) Line question - co-ordinate geometry (unusual)                                  Melody


                      ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫ 

 Aug 20, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Sat 22/8/15     Sydney, Australia Time   7:52pm       ♪ ♫   


Hi all, 


Our illustrious answerers have Alan, Heureka, Geno3141, Radix, Levimatherigmailcom, asinus, CPhill, Kitty<3, TitaniumRome, Rosala, Dragonlance and rubenhh.  Thank you for all your fabulous answers.  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


1) Radius of orbit.   (Plus some added humour)             Thanks  Alan and Dragonlance  

2) Is -30 bigger than 12?                                             Thanks Rosala, Dragonlance and Melody

3) Find the units digit   these are always fun.                Thanks Alan

4) Trig equation                                                          Thanks CPhill

5) log manipiulation                                                    Melody 


                      ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫ 

 Aug 22, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Mon 24/8/15     Sydney, Australia Time   7:37pm       ♪ ♫   


Good day to all our members and guest :)


Our esteemed answerers are:  Asinus, Matsunnymat, Rosala, Dragonlance, CPhill, Badinage, Heureka and Sir-Emo-Chappington.  A very big thingk you to each of you :))


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:

FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1) Puzzle Time (2s and 9s)          Thanks anon :))                                                                

2) Finding altitude of a triangle   (NO trig needed)    FTJ+          Melody

3) Absolute value equation  - Difficult one                                 Melody                                                    

4) Radioactiive decay                                                              Thanks CPhill

5) Percentages and profit                                                         Thanks CPhill

6) Decibels and micropascals                                                   Thanks CPhill

7) Complicated looking surd                                                    Thanks asinus and CPhill

8) Find original speed :/                                                         Thanks Sir-Emo-Chappington and CPhill  

9) Geometry question                                                             Thanks CPhill


                      ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫ 

 Aug 24, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Tues 25/8/15     Sydney, Australia Time   7:37pm       ♪ ♫   


Hi all.


Today our fabulous answers were provided by Heureka, asinus, Dragonlance, Geno3141, CPhill, TitaniumRome, Jcersy, Matsunnymat and Exacto.    Thanks everyone  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:

FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1)  Is it a circle or a square - just some fun                       Melody and Dragonlance

2)  There are a number of good questions on page 1972

                 (mainly APs and GPs and a couple of geometry ones I think)

                  I have marked them with a "?" in the margin  


3)  Geometry - Triangle                                                    Thanks CPhill


                      ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫ 

 Aug 25, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Wed 26/8/15     Sydney, Australia Time   7:01pm       ♪ ♫   


Good evening everyone,


There are a llot of unanswered questions on the forum tonight, most of them are fairly easy so if anywone would like to answer a few that would be good.

We did, however, have some great answers from asinus, geno3141, CPhill, Douglas, Dragonlance and BlackskirtHollywood.  Thank you.   


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:

1) Finding the roots of a cubic                  Thanks Melody, CPhill and Dragonlance

2) Triangle geometry                               Thanks Chris

3) 1-1+1-1.....                                        Thanks Geno and CPhill


                      ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫ 

 Aug 26, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap   Thurs 27/8/15     Sydney, Australia Time   9:26pm       ♪ ♫   


Hi All,


There were lots of great questions, some are not answered  

BUT many are answered  and our illustrious answerers were CPhill, Radix, TitaniumRome, EthanPendence, Geno3141, asinus and BioSilverastine.  A big thank you goes to each of you :))     


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:


1) Number Puzzle                                                 Thanks Geno3141

2) A problem with cubes.                                  Thanks Melody and CPhill    

3) Games and philosphies                                     Thanks TitaniumRome and Dragonlance.

4) Debae has asked some good questions on page 1981.      Thanks asinus and anon

        Some need answers    (they are marked with a question mark in the margin)  

5) The brightness of a star.                                  Thanks Melody and anon 

6) Understanding functions     FTJ                         Thanks anon and Melody

7) Fruit - logic with fractions                             Melody

8) Grains of sand in a sand box!                           Thanks anon


                      ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫ 

 Aug 27, 2015

@@ End of Day Wrap Fri 28/8/15 Sydney, Australia Time 9:16pm ♪ ♫


Hi to those few people that are around.  We have been really low on answerers today although EthanPendance answered quite a few.  Other answerers included Matsunnymat, sasasa and Shaniab.  Thank you  


If you would like to comment on other site issues please do so on the Lantern Thread.  Thank you.    


Interest Posts:

FTJ means 'For the juniors' 

1) Factors and books            FTJ                 Thanks anons    

2) Differential Equation                               Thanks anon but I'd like to see this discussed further :) 

3) Relative speed     FTJ+                            Thanks Matsunnymat, anon and Melody


                      ♫♪  ♪ ♫                                ♬ ♬ MELODY ♬ ♬                       ♫♪  ♪ ♫ 

 Aug 28, 2015

hi all you want point sbroooo

adiamcooler Aug 24, 2016

1 Online Users
